Smart Industry


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Smart Industry Magazine - Smart Communication

With Smart Communication, you will be able to explore areas in which data and IoT helps to improve communication and offers solutions to upcoming challenges.


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Trucking & IoT: Delivering a Revolution

Artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and the Internet of Things are poised to spark a revolution in the automobile industry.


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Smart Supply Chain

Disaster Prevention and IoT: Weather or not?

From prediction to recovery, IoT is helping humans to cope with extreme weather and other threatening phenomena on our fickle planet – effectively putting Mother Nature on the defensive.


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Network Transformation: Taking Security to the edge

The ongoing digitisation of the workplace and the rise of the distributed workforce is forcing companies to redefine the security of their IT infrastructure.


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Sustainable Investment: IoT for good

The pandemic has served as a reminder of how fragile our society, infrastructure, and business models can be. It’s also highlighted how technology can carry us through the disruption of 2020 and create more resilient, sustainable business models.


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EV Charging: Current Trends

The electric vehicle industry is on its way to market maturity but there are still twists in the road for stakeholders and customers.


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IoT and Maritime Industry: A sea of data

The maritime industry is riding a wave of big data to weather the storms of climate-related changes.