
Diodes Incorporated

Diodes Incorporated delivers high-quality semiconductor products to the world’s leading companies in the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer electronics, and communications markets. Diodes Incorporated leverages its expanded product portfolio of discrete, analog, and mixed-signal products and leading-edge packaging technology to meet customers’ needs. The company's broad range of application-specific solutions and solutions-focused sales, coupled with worldwide including engineering, testing, manufacturing, and customer service, enable Diodes Incorporated to be a premier provider for high-volume, high-growth markets.


Diodes Incorporated

Gate drivers

Designed for efficient and reliable drive of MOSFETs or IGBTs, these products are available as 3-phase, half-bridge, or low side drivers with inverting or non-inverting inputs to meet most circuit configurations.

ON Semiconductor FDBL8636x-F085 component image

Silica Diodes Incorporated NPI headline (html)

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Sensors for Motor Control

Find out more about Motion, Position, Control, and Speed sensing in Industrial and Automotive applications.

ON Semiconductor FDBL8636x-F085 component image
Image Product Description Link New

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Spot Supply Chain Solutions (GBD)

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Supply Chain Solutions

Our industry-recognised supply chain experts can help you assess your supply chain health and manage future expansion.



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