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Security Regulations, standardization and certification

Security Regulations main content (LC)

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Avnet Silica aims to raise awareness of the upcoming European Cyber Security Act. Working intensively with security for some years now, we have realized that there is a significant gap between the requirements of the proposed legislation and the implementation capabilities within the European ICT (Information and Communications Technology) manufacturing market – especially for small to medium sized companies.

This is occurring all over Europe and by no means limited to specific markets or country boarders.

Thank you for your interest and remember that you are not facing this alone. We are all in this together and Avnet Silica is ready to help.

Graphic display of Security SDLC phases


For specific industries, the purpose of Security is very straightforward, for example in think about transportation, medical or automotive sectors. However, for most industries the legal requirements, and how they relate to meaningful protection and the time/effort needed for implementation, are not as clear.

To discuss a proper prioritization of the concepts of Integrity, Confidentiality Availability and Authentication (popularly referred to as the CIA(A) Triad), we must have proper standards for guidance before we can start any meaningful implementations – regardless of the actual Hardware and Software implementation.

Therefore, before any work can begin on the product itself, it is important to analyze the needed standardization and implement a proper security process, to ensure that the implementation will maintain a “Security by Design” through the entire product life cycle.

Avnet Silica can help you understand the purpose of the European Cyber Security Act and how it relates to already existing State-of-the-Art (SOTA) certifications and standards. We are ready to help you in this endeavor. We are an active member of the European Cyber Security Organization and we are able to update you with the latest changes. As you read this page, you may have further questions. Please do not hesitate to contact your local Avnet Silica contact, and to discuss further actions.

To access these offerings, please get in contact with us. Do not hesitate to contact us for further elaboration and help.

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Device Management & Provisioning

When you are expanding security coverage to connected devices, Avnet Silica will help you with the challenge of designing security schemes complying with both Information Technology (IT) and embedded hardware standards.