
Smart Industry Magazine - Smart Lifestyle

In the Smart Lifestyle category, you'll find articles on how IoT solutions influence our day-to-day life by making it more secure, or tasks easier to do.


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Urban Renewal: The Smartest community

In 2000, Barcelona’s council created 22@ Barcelona as an urban transformation project with the aim of turning a rundown industrial area.


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Precision Fishing: Net benefits

It is clear that trawler fleets will have to employ smart technologies to bring about precision fishing so that depleted species can be left undisturbed while thriving shoals are harvested.


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When IoT means 'Internet of Trees'

An hour can make all the difference. In an hour you can weed the garden, mow the lawn, plant a tree. In that same hour, as gardeners who make compost may know to their cost.


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Smart Elevators: Giving IoT a Lift

It'd take over half an hour of running to get to the 163rd floor of the tallest building in Dubai. Running at maximum speed, the trip takes less than two minutes with the elevator. But speed isn’t everything: elevators are becoming intelligent.


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Mobile Services: Taking 5G to the Max

The pandemic has increased business and user reliance on mobile services and paved the way for 5G. But why is it still so difficult to predict how useful 5G will be?


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Robotic Floor Care: Cleaning Up after Covid

In a pandemic, cleaning becomes more complex and cannot be put off till outside normal working hours. Robotic Floor Care: Intelligent machines are helping to free up human hands for other tasks and ensure safer environments.


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Interview Chetan Khona: The World is Shrinking

Computer chips are more powerful and versatile than ever and they’re getting smaller every day.


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Logistics of Beer: The King of Kegs

Every year at Munich Oktoberfest, large wagons piled high with wooden beer barrels are pulled through the streets by teams of huge draft horses. But the logistics of beer has come a long way since those days.