E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership | Avnet Silica

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E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership | Avnet Silica

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E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership

Image of the charging vehicle

The wholesale electrification of transportation systems will be a key element of ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions and tackle the climate change challenges that our society is now facing. It will also be pivotal in addressing the air pollution issues that are currently being experienced in densely populated urban areas.

Electric vehicle (EV) sales have reached new heights over the course of the last 18 months, with EU data showing that they now represent approximately 11% of all new car registrations. It is clear that the numbers are going to increase still further in the coming years, with the EU’s target for EVs to constitute well over half of vehicle registrations in member states by the end of this decade. Likewise, major investment in rail networks has resulted in a migration away from diesel-based trains to ones that rely on electrical propulsion – with clear environmental and public health benefits consequently being derived. The deployment of extensive charging stations is essential if continued uptake of EVs is going to be encouraged – and this will be an integral part of many of the smart city projects that are currently being planned across Europe. Much of the earlier equipment that had initially been used is now in the process of being replaced by higher voltage rapid chargers. These will offer greater convenience to vehicle drivers, as the recharge times supported are cut from several hours to less than 30 minutes, closer to the length of a fuel-pump visit. At the same time, high-power wallbox charging units are starting to be installed within the residential environment.


EVs are the fastest growing subsegment in the automotive IC market.

Gilles Beltran, President Avnet Silica


Raising the voltage levels of EV powertrains will be another important step in driving more widespread adoption of these vehicles. This will mean that efficiency figures can be boosted and their overall weight reduced. The key benefit of all this will be that far longer distances may be covered between recharges, giving the public greater confidence that buying an EV is the right decision.

The EV era may also lead to established views on vehicle ownership, which have remained the same for over a century, being reevaluated. Instead of simply buying cars, mobility-as-a-service business models might start to be explored. Connection of EVs to the electrical distribution network will also present homeowners with financial incentives to participate in grid-balancing activities.

This large-scale transport electrification is bringing unprecedented demands for semiconductor components. EVs are the fastest growing subsegment in the automotive IC market, increasing by approximately 68 percent during 2021 with a further 25 percent growth expected in 2022. EV powertrains and rail infrastructure will require access to advanced semiconductor technology, including the latest wide band gap discretes. As well as state-of-the-art power devices, commercial fast charging stations will mandate next generation data connectivity and superior security solutions. Robust and responsive supply chains must therefore be in place, so as to ensure that shipment schedules can be maintained. The engineering team at Avnet Silica has a deep understanding of the dynamics involved in transport electrification and their logistical implications. This means that our operations are fully prepared to ramp up in procurement activity that is on the horizon.


E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership | Avnet Silica

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E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership | Avnet Silica

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