New Product Introduction

Microchip WFI32-IOT Development Board

The WFI32-IoT board provides the most simple and effective way to connect your embedded application to cloud IoT platforms such as AWS and Azure.

Microchip WFI32-IoT Development Board - top side

The WFI32-IoT Development Board is a compact and easy-to-use development board to develop Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications with the WFI32E01PC module, a highly integrated Wi-Fi MCU module supporting smart Wi-Fi functionalities and premium MCU features. The board also includes an on-board debugger, PICkit On-board 4 (PKOB4), and requires no external hardware to program and debug the WFI32 module.

The WFI32-IoT board provides the most simple and effective way to connect your embedded application to cloud IoT platforms such as AWS and Azure. It is:

  • Amazon Frustraton Free Setup (FFS) Certified
  • and an Azure Certified Device

To help designers quickly build a prototype and demonstrate the cloud connection, the WFI32-IoT board has an on-board temperature sensor and light sensor which can be used to collect environment data and transmit it to a cloud server. The board also contains a mikroBUS™ Click™ header for users to expand the functionalities by connecting to various mikroBUS™ adapter boards.        

Out of the box, the WFI32 comes preloaded with a firmware image that enables you to quickly connect and send data to the AWS Cloud using the on-board temperature and light sensors. And users can easily build their own custom projects with software libraries and example codes provided in Harmony v3.


Key features

  • WFI32E01PC, a PIC32MZ-W1 Wi-Fi Module with PCB antenna and Trust&Go hardware security enabled
  • Low power consumption with deep sleep power mode enabled in WFI32 module
  • MikroBUS™ socket to expand functionality using MikroElectronika ClickTM adapter boards
  • PICkitTM On Board 4 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Micro-B Socket for programming/debugging
  • On-board LEDs and user configurable buttons
  • On-board temperature sensor
  • On-board light sensor
  • ICSPTM header
  • On-board 32 Mbit External SPI Flash Memory
  • Lithium-ion battery connector and USB Power charging circuit


Securely connect your WFI32-IoT to the cloud in minutes

Avnet Silica has worked with Microchip to create an out-of-box demonstration showing how quickly and easily OEMs can connect the WFI32-IoT to a cloud service using Avnet Silica's IoTConnect® solution acceleration software.

We make it easy:

  •  Device to Cloud onboarding in minutes
  •  No credit card required
  •  No prior Cloud experience needed
  •  Pre-compiled image, no additional software needed
  •  Demonstrate the hardware's unique functionality in the Cloud
  •  Enable users to build on their Quick Start journey and into development


Inside Avnet Silica's WFI32-IoT Quick Start Demo

IoTConnect features elements that integrate into both endpoints and cloud platforms to create secure end-to-end connections with minimal configuration. In addition, IoTConnect provides web-based dashboards that make it easy to interact with your IoT application from anywhere. With diverse connectivity options, strong data protection measures, and true scaling capabilities, IoTConnect empowers organizations to leverage the full potential of IoT technology and accelerate digital transformation.

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Watch this video to show how to connect the WFI-32 IoT development board to the cloud in minutes.



Specially designed for industrial IoT applications, WFI32E01PC contains the PIC32MZW1 series Wi-Fi SoC, which is a 200MHz high performance MCU with industrial leading Wi-Fi connectivity and rich peripheral options.



PIC32MZW1 series Wi-Fi SoC is a 200MHz high performance 32-bit MCU with industrial leading Wi-Fi connectivity and rich peripheral options.

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