Smart City - Subnavigation Overview

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Let's make our cities smart

Smart City Challenges and Opportunities (MM)

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Challenges and opportunities

Smart City is an opportunity to reimagine our cities with the goal to change our quality of life and to supply clean water and sufficient energy for all citizens in an environmentally sustainable and equitable way. At the same time, Smart Cities will improve our work, our lifestyle and security.

There are many technologies available already that can be deployed from now on to make our cities smarter. The deployment of future technologies like 5G, massive AI & Robots will offer even more economic opportunities and extensive / global services will improve our quality of life.

At Avnet Silica, we are doing our part to support the development of smarter cities by providing global adaptable and replicable end-to-end solutions.

Those solutions include: Hardware, Software, Service, Security, Cloud, Connectivity and much more. Developed with our partners and suppliers, they can be implemented successfully across the world. 

Our technical team and experts will support your engineers so that your products will perform  in smart city environments.

Illustrations of the vicious circle of the cities: high population leads to high energy consumption and high CO2 emissions, with many hours spent looking for parking

Learn more about the products and solutions shaping the cities, buildings and homes of the future.

From safer communities to cleaner air, improved transportation and optimised usage of energy, it is hard to ignore the many benefits a smart city can offer, both for its citizens and for businesses.

As the concept becomes a reality, non-connected devices will need to integrate into an IoT ecosystem that will enable the collection, management and analysis of data. This will, in turn, improve infrastructure, public services and more, positively affecting quality of life for all residents.

Watch the on demand webinar series with Avnet Silica and some of the top experts in the field to gain a deeper understanding of the latest products and solutions that are shaping the cities, building and homes of the future.

Watch Now

Our vision

Since almost 100 years, Avnet, world-leading electronic components distributor, has acquired a real expertise in electronic design and eco-system solutions. Our technologies and solutions are already being used by our customers across the world which are utilized independently everyday by citizens in our cities. 

Existing solutions and newly developing ones have to converge in order to facilitate smarter cities. Avnet Silica provides multiple solutions to achieve those goals: More efficient energy and water control, better air quality by reducing traffic jams, easier access to knowledge and education by using multimodal transportation.

Smart City - sub-segments

Graphic with icons surrounding Smart City: Smart Utilities, Smart Building, Smart Home,Smart Retail, Smart Appliance, Lighting, Education and research, Agriculture / Smart Farming, Smart Healthcare, Smart Mobility, Communication and Infrastructure


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