IoT: The future is here

IoT will drive all your future activities, Avnet Abacus can support you at every stage

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It starts with good design

Capture your data the right way to give it maximum value

Data empowers the IoT, and it lives all around us. Good insights require good data. It is easy to overlook the importance of designing endpoints that manage data acquisition with the care and attention it needs. Sensors provide the interface between the real world and the digital domain. With an increasing number of sensors now available, almost anything can be measured, captured and analyzed.

Avnet Abacus works with the industry’s leading suppliers to bring you the best technologies. This goes beyond conventional distribution. Avnet Abacus can help find, supply and design-in the right solutions for you. This includes components, Off board solutions, Embedded Display and computing boards.

Your insights start with the data produced in endpoints, such as smart sensors and smart actuators. Avnet Abacus’ engineers can help you develop the right endpoints to generate the best data and most valuable insights for your application.

weather station


Great systems are built on solid platforms

IoTConnect® provides the building blocks for "big picture solutions"

IoT systems require more than connected endpoints. They need secure, reliable and scalable solutions that have been architected for the IoT. The industry’s leading IoT cloud platform providers, AWS and Microsoft, trust Avnet Abacus and the IoTConnect platform to provide that system architecture. IoTConnect helps OEMs bring their IoT vision to life. Integration is fundamental to IoT. Your solution will cover everything from the network’s edge to the cloud’s core. Only platforms like AWS IoT and Microsoft Azure provide the framework needed to make IoT sustainable and secure. IoTConnect has been designed to help users unlock the features and benefits of cloud platforms. As the name suggests, IoTConnect provides the tools needed to connect the cloud with the rest of the IoT.

two people standing in data center


Do more with your data

Generate real-time, deeply insightful and actionable data using the latest technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are changing the shape of IoT solutions. AI processing in the cloud and at the edge means data can now be turned into actionable insights much faster. Leveraging the full potential of AI and ML can be a challenge. Its integration must be considered at the system level. Using AI can impact the way entire systems operate.

Bringing the benefits of AI and ML to your IoT application is one of Avnet Abacus’ key competences. Avnet Abacus uses AI technology from its partners and developed in-house, designed to integrate with IoTConnect. This gives you easy access to the latest solutions that will elevate and help differentiate your IoT products and services.

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