Defect Visual Inspection Solution – cost-effective, reliable, and easy to use

Defect Visual Inspection is the process of checking production lines for any defects (a shortcoming or imperfection) on products. For many years this process was entirely manual and relied heavily on a member or even multiple members of staff to check every single product on a production line.

In more recent times, technological and artificial intelligence advancements have meant that Defect Visual Inspections have become much more automated in many cases and as a result, the visual inspection industry is expected to reach a market value of $25.5bn by 2027.

Are you looking to automate your visual inspections and improve the efficiency of your operation? Maybe you’ve already explored some options but have simply been priced out by the existing solutions on the market, or you’ve been put off by the complexity of the setup on existing solutions. Thankfully, Avnet Silica’s AI-based solution removes complexity and is cheaper compared to existing solutions on the market!

An introduction to Avnet Silica's DVI solution


DVI or Defect Visual Inspection is a product based on a SOM combined with a software library

Capture images, train AI, find anomalies

1. Compact Solution 2. Complete Product 3. Cost-effective


Webinar: Revolutionising Visual Quality Control

Discover the transformative power of Defect Visual Inspection (DVI) technology in a quality control environment. We'll delve into the core functional features of a powerful visual inspection system employing computer vision and artificial intelligence. It is all at the edge, to keep the quality control right there where the sensor is on industrial embedded devices and to preserve data privacy and industrial secrets by keeping your data localised. Witness DVI in action with a live demonstration, showcasing its precision and efficiency in defect detection across various industries. We'll also provide insights into how to acquire and implement DVI, whether through a kit, SOM (system on module), or software.


Podcast: Seeing Beyond the Surface

Episode 44 of the We Talk IoT Podcast sees us dive deep into a technological revolution reshaping the quality control and manufacturing world: AI-based Defect Visual Inspection, or 'DVI'. Joining us are  Giovanni Gualdi, CEO of Deep Vision Consulting; a visionary pushing the boundaries of how we perceive and rectify defects and Avnet Silica's very own Michaël Uyttersprot; someone at the forefront of integrating smart solutions into industrial spaces. Tune in today to explore the mechanics, use cases, and business models of AI-powered quality control and manufacturing inspections.

Want a demo?

Interested in seeing the Defect Visual Inspection Solution for yourself? Get in touch with us today and we can arrange a product demonstration at a convenient time for you.




Made in partnership with Deep Vision Consulting

Experts in computer vision and artificial intelligence.

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Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Avnet Silica helps you discover new solutions, applications and technologies for Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.

Deep-Dive: What Does the Future Look Like for DVI?

DVI has undergone a remarkable evolution from manual checks performed by artisans to AI-powered automated Systems. Michael Uyttersprot takes a look at the evolution, impact and future of defect visual inspection (DVI) in manufacturing.

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