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Data center   Filter By   Data center RSS FEED
Modern data centers are wonders of computing technology. With state-of-the-art high-density servers and revolutionary cooling systems—designing those systems is no easy task. Explore our resources to stay up to date with data center trends, technical expertise, and technology.
Image of analytics dashboard
IoT User Interface: Dashboards – Designed for decision-making
April 17, 2018
Dashboard design is becoming a core component of many solutions, especially as businesses keep accumulating data.
Illustration of a man holding a chip
Data Networks: In IoT we trust
February 7, 2018
The Industrial Internet of Things, or Industry 4.0, not only connects machines and computers but also vendors, suppliers, and customers.
Embedded Computing
IoT Embedded Computing: The next wave of Smart Things
February 6, 2018
Look inside any of the billions of smart things connected to the IoT and what would you see?
Image of buildings and houses
The big picture: Big Data and Manufacturing
January 26, 2018
Big Data: Reflections on the manufacturing landscape of America in 2018.
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