Taking flow measurement to the next level
Avnet Abacus helps engineers to develop smart flow meters for monitoring water and gas consumption. Alan Jermyn, VP Marketing, looks at what’s driving demand for smart meters, how they work and how they’re built.
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Engineering better railways
The pressure to decarbonise the economy affects every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to how we travel. It is driving innovation throughout the transport sector, and particularly in railways.
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Better batteries build more sustainable electronics
IoT ecosystems are reliant on distributing many Things into a wide variety of arbitrary environments. However, the key to the long term, low maintenance operation of these remote devices lies a combination of battery technology and energy harvesting.
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From AC to DC: powering intelligent buildings
There is a lot of interest in how to power the electronic and electrical devices in buildings of the future. Not just limited to energy savings, it includes how to integrate new energy sources such as solar, wind turbines and batteries.
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Taking flow measurement to the next level
Avnet Abacus helps engineers to develop smart flow meters for monitoring water and gas consumption. Alan Jermyn, VP Marketing, looks at what’s driving demand for smart meters, how they work and how they’re built.
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Engineering better railways
The pressure to decarbonise the economy affects every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to how we travel. It is driving innovation throughout the transport sector, and particularly in railways.
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Better batteries build more sustainable electronics
IoT ecosystems are reliant on distributing many Things into a wide variety of arbitrary environments. However, the key to the long term, low maintenance operation of these remote devices lies a combination of battery technology and energy harvesting.
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From AC to DC: powering intelligent buildings
There is a lot of interest in how to power the electronic and electrical devices in buildings of the future. Not just limited to energy savings, it includes how to integrate new energy sources such as solar, wind turbines and batteries.
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Taking flow measurement to the next level
Avnet Abacus helps engineers to develop smart flow meters for monitoring water and gas consumption. Alan Jermyn, VP Marketing, looks at what’s driving demand for smart meters, how they work and how they’re built.
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