TDK InvenSense SmartSound T5848 series
TDK InvenSense announces SmartSound T5848 series

The T5848 is a low noise, high AOP I²S microphone with a 24bit PCM output for direct connection to a wide variety of SoCs. It also features Acoustic Activity Detect (AAD), a new ultra-low power edge processing feature consuming as low as 20µA.
- Industry leading, first high SNR and high dynamic range I2S output microphone, high SNR and AOP in all operational modes
- Ultra low power consumption in high quality mode and low power mode, from 50% to 70% lower than competitors
- I²S output allows direct connection to a wide variety of SoCs, MCUs
- Acoustic activity detect w/ programmable thresholds and filters with power consumption as low as 20uA
- Smart speakers
- Headsets
- Voice-enabled TV remotes
- Smart TVs and set top boxes
- Smart watches and wearables
- Machine monitoring