TDK InvenSense ICM-45686 series sensor
TDK InvenSense announces ICM-45686 series sensor

The ICM-45686 is a high-performance dual interface (UI + AUX) 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device. It has a configurable host interface that supports I3CSM, I2C and SPI serial communication, and an AUX interface that supports SPI slave mode for connection to OIS controllers or I2C master mode for connection to external sensors. The device features up to 8Kbytes FIFO and 2 programmable interrupts.
The ICM-45686 supports the lowest gyro and accel sensor noise in this IMU class, and has the highest stability against temperature, shock (up to 20,000g) or SMT/bend induced offset as well as immunity against out-of-band vibration induced noise. Other industryleading features include InvenSense on-chip APEX motion processing engine for gesture recognition, activity classification, and pedometer, along with programmable digital filters, and an embedded temperature sensor.
- Gyroscope noise: 3.8Mbps/ÖHz and accelerometer noise: 70µg/ÖHz
- Low-noise mode 6-axis current consumption of 0.42mA at 1600Hz
- User selectable Gyro full-scale range (dps): ±15.625/31.25/62.5/125/250/500/1000/2000 /4000
- User selectable accelerometer full-scale range (g): ±2/4/8/16/32
- User configurable internal pull-up or pull-downs included on I/O interfaces to reduce system costs associated with external pull-ups or pull-downs
- User configurable Output Data Rate (ODR) and FIFO Data Rate (FDR)
- User-programmable digital filters for gyro, accel, and temp sensor
- APEX motion functions:
- Pedometer, tilt detection, single or double tap detection, raise to wake, wake on motion
- Free-fall detection, significant motion detection, low-G detection, high-G detection
- Host interface: 12.9MHz I3CSM, 1MHz I2C, 24MHz SPI
- Head mounted displays
- AR/VR controllers
- Wearables
- IoT applications