TDK InvenSense ICM-45605 series sensor
TDK InvenSense announces ICM-45605 series sensor

The ICM-45605 is a high performance 6-axis MEMS MotionTracking device. It has a configurable host interface that supports I3CSM, I2C and SPI serial communication, and an I2C master mode interface for connection to external sensors. The device features up to 8Kbytes FIFO and 2 programmable interrupts.
The ICM-45605 supports the lowest gyro and accel sensor noise in this IMU class, and has the highest stability against temperature, shock (up to 20,000g) or SMT/bend induced offset as well as immunity against out-of-band vibration induced noise. Other industryleading features include InvenSense on-chip APEX motion processing engine for gesture recognition, activity classification, and pedometer, along with programmable digital filters, and an embedded temperature sensor.
- Gyroscope noise: 3.8mdps/ÖHz and accelerometer noise: 70μg/ÖHz
- Low-noise mode 6-axis current consumption of 0.42mA at 1600Hz
- User selectable Gyro full-scale range (dps): ±15.625/±31.25/±62.5/±125/±250/±500/±10 00/±2000
- User selectable accelerometer full-scale range (g): ±2/±4/±8/±16
- User configurable internal pull-up or pull-downs included on I/O interfaces to reduce system costs associated with external pull-ups or pull-downs
- User configurable Output Data Rate (ODR) and FIFO Data Rate (FDR)
- User-programmable digital filters for gyro, accel, and temp sensor
- APEX motion functions:
- Pedometer, tilt detection, single or double tap detection, raise to wake, wake on motion
- Free-fall detection, significant motion detection, low-G detection, high-G detection
- Host interface: 12.9MHz I3CSM, 1MHz I2C, 24MHz SP
- Game controllers
- Cameras
- IoT
- Drones
- Non-OIS SmartPhones
- Wearables
- Hearables