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Today we expect connected, intelligent devices and turnkey systems in every aspect of our lives. Whether you’re developing a smart-home appliance or a system to control all the functions of an entire building, explore our resources to stay up to date with automation trends and technology.
Specifying effective components to meet the needs of industrial & building automation
March 15, 2022
The way that industrial locations are run is currently going through a step-change, with greater use of automation being a top priority for many companies. Thanks to this, production output may be boosted and efficiency levels increased.
Engineering better railways
By Philip Lechner   -   January 25, 2022
The pressure to decarbonise the economy affects every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to how we travel. It is driving innovation throughout the transport sector, and particularly in railways.
Specialised enclosures and switches are required for electronics’ survival in the great outdoors, writes Jerry Moss, Avnet Abacus.
Weather, corrosion and vandals: Protecting outdoor electronics
By Jerry Moss   -   June 30, 2017
Specialised enclosures and switches are required for electronics’ survival in the great outdoors, writes Jerry Moss, Avnet Abacus.
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