Vicor VTM family of isolated or non-isolated DC-DC transformer modules
Vicor announces VTM family of isolated or non-isolated DC-DC transformer modules

VTMs operate from a regulated primary bus to deliver a wide range of isolated outputs. A proprietary multi-megahertz ZCS/ZVS Sine Amplitude Converter™ (SAC™) topology transforms input voltages down to fractional voltages very efficiently for applications with demanding load and high-density requirements.
- Sine Amplitude Converter (VTM)
- ZVS buck-boost regulator (PRM)
- Regulation 0.2% (Remote Sense)
- Small footprint: 1.1in2 or 0.56in2
- High efficiency up to 97%
- Low profile 0.265in
- Power Density up to 2040W/in3