TDK CeraLink® EIA 2220 size capacitors

TDK has expanded its tried-and-tested range of CeraLink® capacitors. Previously, only large, ready-to-fit sizes were available. Now, smaller versions with the classic chip design are included in the portfolio in order to increase the areas of application. The new portfolio starts with the EIA 2220 size, measuring 5.7mm x 5mm x 1.4mm, is intended for 500V, and offers a capacitance of 250nF with very low parasitic coefficients. The new capacitors with the ordering code B58043* are available with both standard and soft termination. TDK will add further designs and voltage classes in the future.

At room temperature, the ESR at 1MHz is only 40mΩ, and the ESL is 3nH, with the values even lower at higher temperatures. A high current capability of up to 9 ARMS is achieved at 200kHz and +25°C ambient temperature. The permissible temperature range lies between -40°C and +150°C.

Typical applications use the smaller designs in either snubber or output capacitors. Due to its smaller dimensions, the new CeraLink SMD variant can be placed even closer to fast-switching power semiconductors like IGBT modules, SiC-based or GaN-based semiconductors. Alongside the low ESL values, the lead inductance is kept very low.

TDK has expanded its tried-and-tested range of CeraLink® capacitors


Features Applications
  • High ripple current capability
  • High temperature robustness
  • Low equivalent serial inductance (ESL)
  • Low equivalent serial resistance (ESR)
  • Low power loss
  • Low dielectric absorption
  • Optimized for high frequencies up to several MHz
  • Increasing capacitance with DC bias up to operating voltage
  • High capacitance density
  • Minimized dielectric loss at high temperatures
  • Available with soft termination
  • Qualification based on AEC-Q200
  • RoHS-compatible
  • Power converters and inverters
  • DC link/snubber capacitor for power converters and inverters

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