Smart Industry

Welcome to Smart Industry - The IoT Business Magazine

Smart Industry is the IoT business magazine from Avnet Silica, featuring case studies, interviews and articles on innovative ventures from pioneers in IoT and Artificial Intelligence technology.

With insights and strategies for IoT transformation, our featured articles offer real-world perspectives into what's happening now and what is likely to happen in the future, as more and more companies prepare to integrate IoT into their business models.

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Smart Business

In our Smart Business Category, you'll find inspiring articles featuring experiences and case studies of companies that integrated the Internet of Things into their business models. What´s your next IoT project?

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Welcome to the Metaverse
Welcome to the Metaverse

Online communities have existed since at least the mid-1980s, but the metaverse could represent a whole new dimension. Imagine it as an online virtual world which incorporates augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D holographic avatars, video and other means of communication. 

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The Future of IoT
The Future of IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to disrupt and transform many industries. While IoT is still in its infancy, businesses are already experiencing improved operational efficiencies, productivity growth, cost reductions and new revenue generation opportunities.

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Making Things Easier
Making Things Easier

The world of IoT is changing fast and the number of vendors and solutions are legion. Finding the right supplier can be tricky, says Lou Lutostanski, vice president for the Internet of Things at Avnet.

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Smart Communication

With Smart Communication, you will be able to explore areas in which data and IoT helps to improve communication and offers solutions to upcoming challenges.


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Trucking & IoT: Delivering a revolution
Trucking & IoT: Delivering a revolution

Artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and the Internet of Things are poised to spark a revolution in the automobile industry.

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Taking security to the edge
Taking security to the edge

The ongoing digitisation of the workplace and the rise of the distributed workforce is forcing companies to redefine the security of their IT infrastructure.

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EV Charging: Current trends
EV Charging: Current trends

The electric vehicle industry is on its way to market maturity but there are still twists in the road for stakeholders and customers. From accessibility and standardization issues to a lack of convenient and secure payment methods at charging stations, unresolved issues could still throw a spoke in the wheel of electric vehicles, leaving full adoption out of reach.

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Smart Lifestyle

In the Smart Lifestyle category, you'll find articles on how IoT solutions influence our day-to-day life by making it more secure, or tasks easier to do.

Fighting forest fires
Fighting forest fires

Being able to discover forest fires early is an increasingly urgent issue. According to Cal Fire, California’s firefighting agency, nine of California’s 20 largest fires to date have occurred since 2020.

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Taking 5g to the max
Taking 5g to the max

Smart cities, self-driving vehicles and advanced robotics are just the tip of the iceberg: there’s no doubt that 5G will radically change the world.

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The World is shrinking
The World is shrinking

Computer chips are more powerful and versatile than ever and they’re getting smaller every day. A company making this happen is Xilinx. We've interviewed Chetan Khona, Director, Industrial, Vision, Healthcare & Sciences at AMD Xilinx, about FPGA technology.

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Smart Solutions

Let's take a closer look at Smart Solutions and products. This section also features columns and insights from industry experts and journalists.

Machine Vision - How to see the world
Machine Vision - How to see the world

Machines aren’t just becoming smarter every day – they are also developing the ability to see the world around them.

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Smart Eyes for IoT
Smart Eyes for IoT

Technicians have been reluctant to use cameras for IoT because they were considered too expensive. That is now history.

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Smart Companies - the next generation
Smart Companies - the next generation

Smart companies develop new technologies, that solve important problems and long-term challenges. IoT Solutions for the real world!

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