Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Avnet Silica: Machine Learning Focus Areas

Learn more about our focus areas on the Applying Machine Learning page.

Yes, AI can

Artificial Intelligence gained a lot of interest over the last few years and proved to be successful for applications in different markets never seen before. Machine learning, and in particular deep learning, enabled rapid progress towards recognition and classification tasks, predictive analytics, natural language understanding, and many other cognitive tasks. Avnet Silica focuses on machine learning on the edge, in the cloud, and on-premises and supports customers in understanding and building their machine learning application.

Getting the right focus

Fine-tuning between hardware, software and machine learning algorithms, is crucial for a successful implementation of machine learning tasks. Using the right data sets, tools and hardware components, will reduce development time and risk. Avnet Silica focuses on different machine learning technology areas and provides state-of-the-art machine learning solutions close to end customer applications in order to simplify the deployment of customer solutions in different key markets.

Surveillance camera wearing glasses. Text reads: We Make you Devices Smarter with AI

Bringing AI to Defect Visual Inspection

Are you looking to automate your visual inspections and improve the efficiency of your operation? Maybe you’ve already explored some options but have simply been priced out by the existing solutions on the market, or you’ve been put off by the complexity of the setup on existing solutions. Thankfully, Avnet Silica’s AI-based solution removes complexity and is cheaper compared to existing solutions on the market!

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Machine Learning with NXP Semiconductor

Discover the world of new machine learning solutions and create products enhanced with embedded AI for industrial applications and home appliances. See use cases and get in touch with our dedicated team of experts to discuss your application and how to deliver complete end-to-end solutions.

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Whitepaper: Best practices and use cases for machine learning in industrial automation

Industrial automation will undergo dramatic changes in the near future. Continuous and highly dynamic advances are underway in factory and process automation with the goal of helping companies manufacture faster, better, with higher quality and more flexibility – all of which is achieved in a secured production environment. Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a key role in the industrial automation of tomorrow, particularly machine learning.


Get started with Machine Learning

Avnet Silica, in partnership with Deep Vision Consulting, has created a set of resources to help you create your own Machine Learning demo, and it’s easier than you think. All you’ll need is some Lego™ and our Machine Learning starter kit.


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Need AI/ML support?

Whether you have an AI/ML question for our team, or you're interested in one of our AI/ML solutions, you can get in touch with our experts here.


Featured Webinars

Explore our AI/ML focused webinars:

MathWorks Matlab Expo 2018

Edge Computing meets Industrial IoT

online, on-demand

Intel and Avnet Silica organize this webinar event with a focus on Artificial Intelligence, Connectivity and Edge Computing for future-proof industrial applications. We highlight possible use cases for high-end edge computing in industrial environments.

AI Discovery Days


Discover new technologies, applications and solutions for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in one single day.

Beyond Machine Learning with NXP's i.MX 8M Plus Applications Processor

online, on-demand

This webinar consists of two parts: a general presentation and additional in-depth topics. The event is intended for both decision makers, engineers and to anyone curious to get more details about the new i.MX 8M Plus Family of microprocessors.



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