Calculators PCB Trace HB2 Silica

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PCB Trace Width

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PCB Trace Width Calculator

Trace width is an important design parameter in PCB design. Adequate trace width is necessary to ensure the desired amount of current can be transported without overheating and damaging your board. Use our online tool to calculate the minimum trace width for a given current and copper weight. Calculations are based on formulae from IPC-2221 (formerly IPC-D-275).

Please enter your values below.



Internal Layers

External Layers in Air


A = (I / (k * Triseb))(1/c)

A = A * 2.54 * 2.54 * 10-6

W = A / (T * 1.378)

Ttemp = Trise + Tamb

R = ρ * L / A * (1 + (α * (Ttemp - 25))

Vdrop = I * R

Ploss = R * I2

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For IPC-2221
Internal layers: k = 0.024, b = 0.44, c = 0.725
External layers: k = 0.048, b = 0.44, c = 0.725
where k, b, and c are constants resulting from curve fitting to the IPC-2221 curves.

A is the cross-section area [mils2]
I is the maximum current [A]
T is the trace thickness [oz/ft2]
Trise is the maximum desired temperature rise [°C]
Tamb is the ambient temperature [°C]
W is the trace width [mils]

Ttemp is the trace temperature [°C]
R is the resistance [Ω]
ρ is the resistivity parameter, whose value for copper is 1.7E-6 [Ω · cm]
L is the trace length [cm]
α is the resistivity temperature coefficient, whose value for copper is 3.9E-3 [1/°C]
Vdrop is the voltage drop [V]
Ploss is the power loss [W]