Introduction to Quality and Safety Standards in Automotive | Avnet Silica

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Introduction to Quality and Safety Standards in Automotive

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Introduction to Quality and Safety Standards in Automotive

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Discover the world of automotive quality and safety standards in this joint webinar by Avnet Silica and Codelab on October 11th (English) and October 12th (German), at 2 PM CEST.

This webinar, a collaborative effort between Codelab and Avnet Silica Software & Services, is your gateway to understanding the crucial role of quality and safety standards within the automotive industry. Delve into the differences and implications of these standards on product design and architectural considerations. Explore key frameworks like the Automotive SPICE 3.1 model, a cornerstone for evaluating software development processes in the automotive sector.

Moreover, gain a comprehensive understanding of the ISO 26262 automotive safety standard and how it shapes various stages of product development and discover how it integrates with a modern approach to handling cybersecurity requirements under ISO/SAE 21434. Furthermore, this webinar offers a practical outlook on getting started with adherence to these standards, supplemented by the joint support offering from Codelab and Avnet Silica Software & Services. Secure your spot today to embark on a journey toward mastering safety and security in your projects.

If you’re looking for a practical outlook on mastering automotive quality and safety standards - join us.














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Introduction to Quality and Safety Standards in Automotive | Avnet Silica

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