Intelligent and secure industrial applications with NXP's ecosystem | Avnet Silica

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Intelligent and secure industrial applications with NXP's ecosystem

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Intelligent and secure industrial applications with NXP's ecosystem

online, on-demand

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Join us for a deep-dive into machine learning, connectivity, and cybersecurity

Recent technological developments have led to new applications for edge processing in industrial environments. This webinar event will focus on the ecosystem for industrial applications. We will explain machine learning, connectivity, cybersecurity, and broader technology coverage with NXP solutions and clarify use cases for several industrial applications.

The webinar consists of two parts: a general presentation in local language and additional in-depth topics. The event is intended for both decision makers, engineers and to anyone curious to get more details in developing or improving industrial applications with NXP’s ecosystem.

Available in multiple languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish.



  • General presentation unveiling use cases and solutions for the industrial ecosystem with a focus on machine learning, connectivity, and cybersecurity
  • In-depth sessions to be selected based on your personal interest after the general presentation (20min. each), including:
    • A step-by-step guide from training to deployment of computer vision Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on NXP i.MX devices
    • Use GStreamer to support your computer vision and machine learning applications
    • Strengths and performances of the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) in NXP i.MX devices
    • Deal with Cybersecurity in your industrial application
    • Optimize Wireless connectivity in your ecosystem
    • Natural language interaction with industrial machines











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Intelligent and secure industrial applications with NXP's ecosystem | Avnet Silica

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