Smart Industry

Smart Industry Magazine - Smart Business

In our Smart Business Category, you'll find inspiring articles featuring experiences and case studies of companies that integrated the Internet of Things into their business models. What´s your next IoT project?


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Augmented Humanity: The Man Machine

Psychokinesis, or mind over matter, is a popular dream of sci-fi and horror story writers. In the digital world, dreams often come true and there are signs that soon we may be able to complete tasks without moving off our sofas.


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E-Mobility: Think again about Vehicle Ownership

The wholesale electrification of transportation systems will be a key element of ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions and tackle the climate change challenges that our society is now facing.


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Industrial IoT: How to Eat the IIot Elephant

Learn, through two useful examples, how to start simple and move to more complex Industrial IoT implementations.


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5G Campus Networks: Build your own

Operating a private campus network offers several advantages and will help improve production and enable factory automation. There are three options for building a 5G campus networks.

SI8 Smart Business Fight Like Rocky (GBL)

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Interview Thomas Pilz: Cyberattack victim- Fight like Rocky!

CEO of Pilz Automation, Thomas Pilz, talked with Smart Industry about how it feels to be a cyberattack victim and what he thinks is the best way to defend against cybercriminals.


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Optical BCI: Silent Speech – Close, But Not Close enough (Yet)

Housed in its top-secret Skunkworks tucked away in Building 8 on Meta’s campus in Menlo Park, Facebook Reality Labs (FRL) worked on a project to build a headset or headband to allow people to send text messages by thinking.


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IoT & Regulation: The Future of IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to disrupt and transform many industries. While IoT is still in its infancy, businesses are already experiencing improved operational efficiencies, productivity growth, cost reductions.

si8-smartbusiness-eu-cybersecurity-act (GBL)

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The EU Cybersecurity Act: A Price worth Paying

With businesses and consumers in Europe facing ever-more sophisticated cyber threats, policy makers are scrambling to ensure there are adequate regulations to help protect them.

SI8 Smart Business Cybersecurity Labeling in Finland (GBL)

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Cybersecurity Labeling in Finland: A Sure Sign of Safety

Traficom in Finland has launched a cybersecurity label that guarantees labeled devices have basic information security features built in.

SI8 Smart Business eSIMs (GBL)

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eSIMs: The Great IoT Connectivity Lockdown

When you move house your devices go with you. It’s not so simple in the global communications world but eSIMs promise to break through the barriers that tie us down.


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Invasive IoT: The Internet of Bodies

Brain interfaces may be a future goal but, here and now, WiFi devices are increasingly becoming integral to the delivery of quality healthcare.


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Interview Lou Lutostanski: Making Things Easier

The world of IoT is changing fast and the number of vendors and solutions are legion.


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Predictive Manufacturing: The Future of Making

Predictive maintenance, using IoT to anticipate and prevent breakdowns by collecting and analyzing machine data, has been gaining momentum in recent years.

EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED): How Insecure is Consumer IoT?

A principal factor that will shape the views of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) delegated act relates to how significant groups or individuals view the scale of the cybersecurity problem in consumer devices.

SI8 Smart Business Identity of Things (GBL)

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IoT Security: Identity of things

Every device, app, service, and interface in IoT needs its own identity, which operators can use to track and analyze activity. This is not only used to identify problems but also to protect the systems from attacks, attempted fraud, and espionage.


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Metaverse: No Time for Fun and Games

For years, the great virtual reality (VR) breakthrough has been expected but it looks as though it didn’t even happen during the pandemic – at least, not in the private sector.


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Six Hurdles: Why IoT Projects fail

The number of businesses aiming to leverage IoT solutions is high but so is the failure rate.


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Smart Utilities: Coming in from the Cold

Texas froze and the utilities stopped flowing. It seems polar conditions can happen anywhere, so how can smart utilities use IoT to ensure uninterrupted delivery to their customers?

SI8 Smart Business Standardization vs Risk Management (GBL)

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How Much Cybersecurity Is Enough?

There’s no doubt that cybersecurity is a complex topic to legislate. Given how fast-moving security’s components are, legislation is often too slow and cumbersome.