About Author

Steven Fireman
Steven Fireman - Sr. RF Designer, Advance Applications Group / 5G at Avnet

Steve Fireman is a Sr. RF Designer in the Advanced Applications Group / 5G at Avnet. He has 20+ years of direct hands-on experience in electrical hardware design, engineering leadership and customer engagement. He has extensive expertise in designing mmWave Silicon based RFICs, phased array system design, and in test and measurement. Mr. Fireman holds a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA.

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Bringing mm-wave beamforming to new applications
By Steven Fireman   -   April 9, 2024
Technical article
With 5G rolling out and the help of phased array antennas, the 30 to 300 GHz, and specifically the millimeter-wave bands, of the RF spectrum are making their way into applications like autonomous driving.