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Date: September 22, 2022
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Industrial IoT   Filter By   Industrial IoT RSS FEED
As the number of Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications proliferates, more and more companies now have the power to tap into a rich stream of information to do everything from improving asset management to gaining key insights into operations. So whether you’re designing an IIoT solution or looking to optimize your own factory operations, explore the latest articles and information from Avnet on today’s challenges and opportunities, the latest trends and technologies, and applications and use cases
factory showing IoT data on screens above the machines
When edge and enterprise collide
By Philip Ling   -   March 9, 2023
See the building blocks of a connected world at Embedded World 2023
person pointing at items on screen
What OEMs should know about SaaS and the IoT
By Michael Lamp   -   March 1, 2023
When it comes to the IoT, as many myths exist about SaaS as facts. It isn’t just a subscription-based revenue model. The underlying technologies used to deliver SaaS are fundamental and need to be fully appreciated to build a viable solution.
ST's STEVAL-PROTEUS1 evaluation kit
Key Considerations of Condition Monitoring
February 27, 2023
Condition monitoring is one of the pivotal ways in which the advent of Industry 4.0 is bringing about major improvements within the industrial sector.
Engineer looks closely at embedded system
Yes, you can get to market fast in IoT
By Mark Josewski   -   January 9, 2023
The IoT is giving OEMs new ways to serve customers. With these new products come new business models. Bringing a new solution to market takes effort. Where should you put your resources?
artificial neurons
How to get to market with Machine Learning
By Michaël Uyttersprot   -   March 24, 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become so commonplace it will be taken for granted. We can say this with some confidence, because so many semiconductor manufacturers already have embedded processors that are designed for AI.
 A manufacturing production line operating with autonomous robots
Can edge controllers bring balance to the Industrial IoT?
By Philip Ling   -   January 19, 2022
Putting more real-time intelligence at the heart of industrial automation is creating a new breed of control technology. Connectivity and control must go hand in hand in the Industrial IoT, but it requires the best of both worlds.
Ethernet in the Industrial IoT
What does single pair Ethernet bring to the IIoT?
By Philip Ling   -   January 19, 2022
Single pair Ethernet, or SPE, can legitimately be described as a “disruptive technology.” Avnet spoke with George Zimmerman, who chaired the IEEE 802.3cg 10 Mb/s Single Pair Ethernet Task Force, to find out why.
An engineer is standing at a desk, using a computer. His hands are on a keyboard and a mouse, and he looks intently at the screen.
How no-code design could accelerate Industrial IoT development
By Philip Ling   -   January 14, 2022
Developing large numbers of new and diverse devices for an Industrial IoT solution can challenge your engineering resources. Using a no-code approach to development can reduce the size and complexity of that challenge.
Hands holding a tablet showing data, with an industrial robot in the background
The Industrial IoT is driving economic growth
January 14, 2022
With billions of dollars at stake, Industrial IoT isn’t just about financials. Safety, scalability and flexibility are part of digital transformation. In industrial sectors this has significant implications, but is no longer unchartered territory.
computer motherboard on bench
Behind the datasheet: HW-RTOS
By Philip Ling   -   January 12, 2022
Using hardware accelerators is nothing new, but what about an accelerator to improve the way your operating system handles data communications?
robotic arm using a laptop in a manufacturing environment
Three future Industrial IoT trends manufacturers should think about now
By Philip Ling   -   January 11, 2022
AI may be the headline act, but a greater impact on manufacturing will come from the trends enabled by AI. OEMs can expect to feel the impact in three areas.
Engineer alongside industrial machines arranged in a line
Supporting a service-oriented approach in the IIoT
January 11, 2022
Your industrial environment is a complex network of devices with varying roles and responsibilities. Bringing all that together requires the application of proven and new technologies. Efforts are underway to make them all work in harmony.
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