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A person interacts with a touchscreen interface while driving at night, with green holographic displays projected on the windshield.
The Future of Healthcare
Date: February 11, 2025
Location: online, on-demand
Healthcare & medical   Filter By   Healthcare & medical RSS FEED
Advancements in personal healthcare, diagnostic analysis and rehabilitative practices are growing at a rapid pace. From diagnostic equipment to medical imaging, and medical instruments to healthcare wearables—explore our resources to stay up to date with healthcare and medical trends and technology.
Servers and windmills
Shaping the future of Healthcare - Avnet Silica's latest webinar series
By Harvey Wilson   -   January 20, 2025
With the growing demand for personalised healthcare, remote monitoring, and advanced diagnostic tools, innovative electronics are paving the way for safer, smarter, and more efficient medical devices.
Smart Display over a city skyline
How multiprotocol devices with increased security are changing the IoT
By Philip Ling   -   November 29, 2024
The IoT has been evolving for more than two decades and we’ve been talking about security for just as long.
Patients using continuous passive motion machines in a medical setting
Learn how AI and the latest CPM technologies optimize patient rehabilitation
By Avnet Staff   -   February 21, 2024
Continuous passive motion (CPM) is now a critical part of patient rehabilitation. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, are helping medical OEMs take the next step to optimize patient therapy.
A stethoscope and medical images with data
Using sound to capture medical data boosts device innovation
By Harvey Wilson   -   February 21, 2024
Wearable medical devices provide continuous body monitoring. Acoustic sensing is non-intrusive and the data supports early diagnosis and remote analysis. Are the stethoscope’s days numbered? That’s not likely, but new device opportunities abound.
A CT scanning machine in a hospital setting
Designers lead advances in CT scanning field
By Avnet Staff   -   February 21, 2024
High resolution and low dose are two of the latest developments in computed tomography equipment used by medical professionals. Looking inside tells us how these innovations are being achieved.
Illustration of a human circulatory system
Safer, targeted approaches to treat atrial fibrillation
By Avnet Staff   -   February 21, 2024
Pulsed field ablation is a bold approach to treating atrial fibrillation. The control required is extreme, leading to innovative solutions and newly patented technologies gaining attention from doctors, patients and OEMs.
Doctor holding a tablet with IoT tech in the background
The IoT is ready for the era of virtual clinical trials
By Philip Ling   -   August 15, 2022
Clinical trials take time and money, but they also need participants and lots of data. The IoT is now being used to capture that data from participants virtually and to conduct clinical trials in the digital domain.
Image of a globe by night
Engineering considerations for LoRaWAN gateway design
By Harvey Wilson   -   December 6, 2021
The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly, and with that comes a growing demand for connectivity.
Smart cars in a crossroad
FPGA vs. GPU vs. CPU – hardware options for AI applications
April 28, 2021
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) deliver many advantages to artificial intelligence (AI) applications. How do graphics processing units (GPUs) and traditional central processing units (CPUs) compare?
depiction of brain surrounded by icons
The rise of machine intelligence in the AI era
February 24, 2019
Whether you know it or not, this technology has a lot of potential to deal with business-specific challenges and the benefits of deep learning outnumber its drawbacks.
man using tablet computer in industrial setting
5 of the best artificial intelligence use cases
January 3, 2019
AI’s upgraded algorithms make predictive analytics, parse data, and help businesses make smarter decisions from the boardroom to the factory floor.
Illustration of baby wearing smart socks
IoT Health: Smart Socks – hope, fear and inspiration
April 17, 2018
Excessive collection of statistical data is at the heart of a huge sports trend.
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