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Next gen usb-c power
USB-C: The Smarter Power Solution
Date: February 26, 2025
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Energy   Filter By   Energy RSS FEED
Whether you deliver energy through a pipeline or the smart grid, you’ll need components selected for performance and lifetime within harsh environments. Explore our resources to stay up to date with energy trends and technology.
The world's first 4 mOhm SiC JFET for circuit protection
Why your next relay or fuse could be a transistor
By Philip Ling   -   October 8, 2024
We now have semiconductor substrates that can handle extremely high voltages and currents. But do transistor-based switches still have a place in the high-power domain?
EV on a charger, with selection of Microchip OBC products
Making more efficient on-board chargers
By Philip Ling   -   October 8, 2024
The entire world is transitioning toward the electrification of everything, and the most impactful areas are where fossil fuels currently dominate.
air conditioning system
AI takes on growing role in HVAC system efficiencies
July 24, 2023
In most countries, buildings account for about 40% of the total energy consumed. HVAC and lighting consume around half that amount. Fortunately, AI is already delivering improved energy efficiency in these systems.
Vehicle to Grid EV charging
EV Charging Series, Part 3: How V2G Benefits Drivers and Electricity Suppliers
By Harvey Wilson   -   June 19, 2023
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) is the capability for EVs to send power from their batteries back to the main electricity grid. This can be hugely helpful in meeting demands on the grid, stabilising it, and dealing with the inconsistency of renewables.
Man holding testing equipment
How robust testing forms part of the SiC supply chain
October 11, 2022
In high reliability/availability applications, SiC semiconductors are seen as emerging technology. This article explains their benefits and how an end-to-end supply chain with robust testing makes SiC a safe design option.
Diesel generator
Why should you consider a smart monitoring system for your diesel engine?
By Philip Ling   -   August 17, 2022
The IoT is changing the way we manage and maintain essential assets. Smart sensors, cloud-based analytics and remote management are coming together to increase productivity, efficiency and reliability.
Ocean windfarm
How wide bandgap semiconductors are improving renewable energy design
August 12, 2022
While silicon served us admirably for half a century, engineers are turning to wide bandgap technologies such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride to increase converter/inverter efficiency as momentum to harness renewable energy increases.
EV charging station
Designing ultra-rapid DC EV chargers
July 13, 2022
If electric drivetrains are to replace internal combustion, particularly in larger vehicles, we need more high-speed DC charging capacity. This article examines six of the main design considerations.
Person paying for EV charging with a credit card
Defining security for the EV charging infrastructure
July 13, 2022
Drivers are demanding easy access to public EV charging points. Providers must meet this demand without sacrificing security for simplicity. Cybercriminals will find any security weaknesses, but the latest standards are here to help.
two buisiness people exchanging handshake with SiC icons overlayed
A closer look at SiC quality
June 27, 2022
Silicon carbide builds on established manufacturing methodologies but requires entirely new manufacturing processes. Increasing yield and reducing costs relies on imposing the highest quality at every stage.
hand reaching out
Why you should care about SiC figures of merit
June 10, 2022
SiC semiconductors are becoming ubiquitous in power conversion equipment, particularly in the areas of EVs, solar and energy storage systems. This article reviews applications and explores the figures of merit that can be used to compare devices.
Image of a electric vehicle charging
The environmental impact of electric vehicles
By Michael Pochmann   -   February 11, 2022
Vehicle electrification offers a huge opportunity for innovation
Vehicle attached to an electric charger
The ins and outs of vehicle-to-grid charging
By Harvey Wilson   -   February 11, 2022
A well-implemented V2G strategy could provide wins for drivers and power companies while reducing the carbon impact of both car and electricity usage.
Embedded Computing
IoT Embedded Computing: The next wave of Smart Things
February 6, 2018
Look inside any of the billions of smart things connected to the IoT and what would you see?
Photo of a self driving vehicle
Self-Driving Cars: Getting there
January 24, 2018
What are the forces behind the push for self-driving cars?
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