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Energy Storage Systems (ESS)

An Energy Storage System is the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time. It involves converting energy from forms that are difficult to store to more convenient or economically storable forms. Adding a battery allows you to store this extra electricity to use as and when you want. To achieve the low-carbon goals, in addition to creating clean energy, it is necessary for people to learn how to use such energy flexibly. The global battery energy storage system market size, according to the market research by MarketsandMarkets is expected to grow from USD 4.4 billion in 2022 to USD 15.1 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 27.9%, huge and potential market.

ESS has a similar architecture as UPS. This includes a high-power conversion stage, high-frequency switch driving stage and signal process stage. onsemi has a wide product portfolio and multi-year experience as a power supply solution provider, as well as a complete end-to-end supply chain for the highly efficient emerging technology of Silicon Carbide. Leveraging these advantages, onsemi provides a comprehensive solution for Energy Storage System designs.

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Featured solutions

solar, wind and hydrogen power sources

SiC Discretes

High, medium and low voltage power discrete devices
In vehicle networking

Gate Drivers

Efficiently and reliably drive any power switch at any power level
Communication ports

Communication Interface

Communication technologies: low power, reduced size and high-performance signal transfer
power management device

Power Management

Power management products that enable energy efficient solutions
In vehicle networking

Sensing & Signal Conditioning

Sensing & Signal Conditioning innovating and industry leading products
In vehicle networking

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Asset Library

Register for access to our Energy Storage Asset Library filled with more than 25 onsemi assets to help you with your ESS designs


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Webinar Hub

Over ten different SiC focused webinars at your fingertips to learn about SiC designs, challenges and compromises to help support your energy storage solutions.

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