PKEA and ePKEA, formerly Product Identification (PID)
For embedded or IoT products, there are two different ways of activating the OS.
For pure embedded OS like WES or CE, and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, there is a specific activation option available.
ePKEA, means Embedded Product Key (entry) Activation. This is an activation key from Microsoft assigned to the CLA of the OEM, which needs to be built into the image. No manual activation and internet connection is needed. All images have the same key.
Please contact us, if you want to use this option.
For classical OS like Windows 7 Pro for Embedded Systems, a product key is printed on the license sticker.
This PKEA, which stands for Product Key (entry) Application, is the known manual activation. You need to remove the security layer – scratch off layer – from the product activation key on the license (COA) and type it in manually and let the system finish the activation via the internet. The activation key can be used once for the device, the license is affixed to.
For SQL Server version 2016 and newer, no activation key is needed. The key is pre-pidded in the OPK software from Microsoft. So please only use the OPK software to create your SQL application. There’s no activation key on the licenses.
Read about further licensing topics:

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