OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK)
The only physical deliverables from the Embedded Channel are the runtime license envelopes. There is no installation media enclosed. This is no problem for the real Embedded products, as they have their own development toolkits like XP-Embedded with the Target Designer and Windows CE with the Platform Builder.
For any other product, the OEM customer needs an installation media to create a golden master image for deployment. The OPK provides such an installation media with all necessary tools to easy install and deploy the operating system.
The OEM preinstallation Kits are language and version dependant, so if you order an OPK for free from Avnet Silica please send all language and version details. Besides the localized versions, the MUI packages for all Embedded Products and several Servers are available.
The Product Key enclosed in the OPK can be used to generate a master image, but not to activate a operating system. Normally, the PID key is deleted with the sysprep tool included in the OPK toolset.
OPK Tools like Windows PE (Preinstallation environment) can be used to generate bootable recovery medias like CDs or DVDs.
Visit the product section of each Windows Embedded product to find the product specific OPK or write a E-mail to: microsoft(at)avnet(dot)eu.
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