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Embedded Software

MSe SQL Server IoT 2022 intro (LC)

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SQL Server IoT 2022

An industry leader in performance and security, powered by Azure

Get more out of your data with the Azure-enabled capabilities of SQL Server IoT 2022. Through integration with Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Purview, Microsoft is enabling customers to drive deeper insights, predictions and governance from their data at scale. 


  • SQL Server IoT 2022 Standard: Full-featured database for mid-tiered applications on servers not exceeding 24 cores.
  • SQL Server IoT 2022 Enterprise: Intelligent applications requiring mission critical in-memory performance, security, and high availability.

MSe SQL Server IoT 2022 table (LC)

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SQL Server IoT 2022 SKUs

Binary compatible to non-IoT SKUs Yes
Max. # Cores 24 OS max.
Memory Support 128 GB OS max.
Storage Size 524 PB
OS and Application preinstalled Mandatory, only on new HW (no virtual appliance)
Line of Business Applications Not allowed
Application type Embedded application for a specific purpose only, cannot be used with other commercial applications
OS Version Windows (Server) IoT, Linux (RHEL, SLES, Ubuntu)
Server + CAL licensing Yes N/A
Core only based licensing (no CAL needed) Yes Yes
High Availability every node server (active or passive) must be licensed
Support Channel LTSC, 5y Mainstream + 5y Extended, EOS 01/2033, EOL 31.03.2033
Software Assurance N/A


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