Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail PID Number / COA and ALP
Below you can find all relevant information about Microsoft’s Windows® Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro PID Number / COA and ALP.
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PID for Windows® Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail
ALP for Windows® Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail COA
The Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity (“COA”) is the primary anti-piracy device, OEM product-tracking device, and proof of license for Microsoft OEM products.
- OEM Customer receive COAs from Silica on purchasing Runtime Licenses.
- The COA is a non-removable, sequentially numbered sticker with anti-piracy features designated by MS, permanently affixed to an accessible location on or within each Embedded System.
- COAs are designed to provide a more secure document and allow improved authentication of genuine product.
- Each COA identifies the Licensed Product installed on an Embedded System.
- Embedded Systems distributed with Microsoft Embedded Licensed Products must have a COA.
- It is the OEM customer’s responsibility to accurately reconcile total number of COAs received with the number of systems shipped with MS software. OEM customers and MS Distributors should maintain appropriate records regarding the disposition of all COA labels, including serial number tracking of any COAs damaged as part of the manufacturing process.
- Note that the OEM don't need to stick the pink 2D Barcode on the device. Only the grey COA Sticker. The pink 2D barcode is only an incremental number from the manufacturing lot.
COA (Image not actual size):
PID for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail
On the real Embedded runtime licenses (Embedded Thumb COAs), there is no PID printed on the label any more. Every OEM can request one PID Key from Microsoft per E-Mail. So every system have the same PID and the PID is not corresponding with the one on the license sticker. This easy deployment is an advantage of the embedded OEM channel.
How to obtain an OEM PID for Windows Embedded 8 Standard from Microsoft:
Use this Initiates file download Word Document to request a PID. Have your OEM Agreement (CLA) number ready. This is a 6 or 7 digit number starting with 7xx'xxx or 1'xxx'xxx. Send the Document to
Additional Licensing Provisions (ALP) for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro Retail
Additional Licensing Provisions (ALPs) define distribution rights and restrictions specific to each individual Microsoft Embedded Licensed Product. The ALPs are found on the Runtime License Envelope.
Breaking the seal (BTS - Break The Seal Agreement) on the Runtime License Envelope signifies an acceptance by the Embedded OEM Customer to the terms and conditions of the ALPs. As such, ALPs should be read carefully before opening the Runtime License Envelope.
If the Embedded OEM customer does not agree with any of the rights or restrictions of the ALPs, the Embedded OEM Customer should promptly return the product to Silica, prior to opening the envelope. Opened envelops can't be returned.
These are pictures from the deliverables. You can see on the left side the attached ALPs (Additional Licensing provisions) to the runtime licenses envelope. On the right side, you can see on top the BTS (Break The Seal Agreement) and below the identification label from the AR (Authorized Replicator).

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