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Analog & power trends

Integrated Systems in Package (MM)

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Integrated systems in package

Nowadays devices are becoming more integrated. End-user demand for smaller form factors means that it is becoming important to have more integrated, multifunctional devices. Systems need to be integrated into a single compact package, frequently using multiple dies of different technologies. This could be for instance a controller with a power semiconductor or a data converter with a microcontroller and a high voltage amplifier, etc. There are so many possibilities when integrating a complete analog system into a single package…

High Linearity, Precision, Bandwidth and Energy Efficiency (MM)

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High linearity, precision, bandwidth and energy efficiency

The constant improvements in technology and design techniques are reflected in new devices with much better features and benefits. Linearity and precision improvements allow to measure signals with higher accuracy expanding the application possibilities. Bandwidth improvements allow to cover wider operating frequency ranges, enabling higher data rates. Energy efficiency improvements not only means energy saving and higher operating time for portable devices but also higher reliability as the devices suffer less thermal dissipation stress.

Lower Analog Operating Voltages (MM)

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Lower analog operating voltages

Low operating voltages for analog products is a challenge because of the need to bias the transistors correctly for linear operation. Now, there are more analog circuits operating at the low voltages required for battery powered applications that can interface with low voltage digital components.

High Frequency Signal Chain (MM)

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High frequency signal chain

New generation of signal chain devices with higher operating frequencies are able to condition and digitalise high frequency signals directly, even without the need of intermediate frequency stages.ctetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.


Emerging SiC and GaN Power Semiconductors (MM)

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Emerging SiC and GaN power semiconductors

New technologies in power semiconductors offer promising possibilities to increase efficiency and decrease the cost and weight of associated passive components. Silicon Carbide (SiC) for high voltage operation and Gallium Nitride (GaN) for low voltage devices allow higher efficiency, higher switching frequencies and save significant space and weight as required in new high performance power designs.