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UV Disinfection Demo

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Surface Disinfection with UV-C LEDs on the Next Level

EBV’s UV-Disinfection demonstrators are developed for surface disinfection of 2D and 3D objects. Beyond the currently available surface disinfection chamber with Mercury-tubes or UV LEDs, this design showcases the following advanced feature:

  • Auto-adjustment of exposition time on detected surface area1)
  • Treatment surface estimation1)
  • LED performance monitoring and adjustment
  • Portable electronics ICs for USB-C, Li-Ion-Batteries and LED drivers.
  • Test kit for natural microbial fluorescence detection2)
  • Choose different disinfection modes / doses3)

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Featured parts: 

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AS 7331TC Test chip (I²C digital optical UV-A,B,C Sensor)

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Avnet Abacus

Standard batteries from Avnet Abacus’ portfolio No Tooling

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XBT-3535-UV high power UV-C LED

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STM32F401 Main MCU processor (HMI interface, Process control)

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  1. Treatment surface estimate for process time adjustment is based on the fact that the Flux any Disinfection object in the chamber will absorb UV-C Light (Most Materials exhibit < 50 % reflection /scattering of the light). With perfect scattering in Chamber walls, the UV-C Flux is indirectly proportional to the UV-Absorbing Surface of the Disinfection specimen.

  2. Microbes typically emit a UV-A signal upon UV-C excitation. This principle was researched in different papers like; Source: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1366/000370209789806993 
    This design enables you to study this principle for your specific use case.
    Besides the new engineering Samples of the UV-A, B, C Sensor, EBV also offers professional miniature spectrometers from Broadcom for medical and industrial applications to monitor this effect, among other use cases.

  3. There are major differences for disinfection doses (mJ/cm²) depending on the pathogen species and the disinfection degree. This evaluation kit allows to choose various disinfection doses. EBV-Specialists provide you with further know-how about this topic, too.