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Automotive wireless connectivity

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The ubiquity of wireless means that it touches every aspect of our daily lives, and automotive is no exception to this. Wi-Fi is now being implemented into vehicle designs, for in-cabin communications - with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) starting to see considerable uptake. As well as enabling device pairing, Bluetooth allows drivers to check the status of vehicles’ TPMS devices to see if tyres need inflating. The accurate positioning made possible via UWB will offer a more effective alternative to passive keyless entry, so that vehicles can be unlocked or even have their engines started before the driver has reached the car: something that will prove beneficial to those carrying shopping or other items.

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The transferring of data over vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication will facilitate the onset of greater levels of autonomy. It will mean that information relating to issues, such as road accidents, traffic jams or adverse weather conditions, can be quickly disseminated. Alternative routes can be then taken, or other preparations made. The ultra-low latency capabilities that 5G cellular communication will eventually provide are going to be essential for supporting the safety-critical tasks that autonomous driving will need to undertake.

Among the wireless products that EBV is able to supply to customers are chipsets and modules for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DSRC, mmWave, UWB, and 5G. We can also provide the security technology to prevent denial of services attacks or other potential threats posed by hackers. Here are some of the highlights:

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There can’t actually be no doubt about it anymore that electric vehicles will replace classical automobiles one day completely. At least many experts are absolutely convinced of it, and so heavy research and development is underway on that field.

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