NXP I Zephyr OS on MCUs A Linux for Micros? | EBV Elektronik

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NXP I Zephyr OS on MCUs A Linux for Micros? | EBV Elektronik

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NXP I Zephyr OS on MCUs A Linux for Micros? - Poing

19 Sep 2024 - 19 Sep 2024

Poing, Germany

While Linux is predominant in microprocessor (MPUs) based embedded systems for a long time, the availability of operating systems for microcontrollers (MCUs) is quite fragmented. Microcontroller manufacturers do have their own proprietary offerings sometimes, and FreeRTOS is there since many years. But not much provides a feature-set which comes even close to Linux.

Meanwhile, Zephyr® OS has become a kind of an option. Big semiconductor powerhouses are spending a lot of money and efforts to have some of their current microcontroller generations supported by Zephyr.

Together with NXP Semiconductors we would like to invite you to a half-day seminar, discussing what Zephyr is, what it can do and how it looks and feels on NXPs’ most recent microcontroller family, MCX. We’re looking forward to welcoming you!



  • 10:30 Registration
  • 11:00 Opening - EBV intro
  • 11:10 Tradicional MCU Development
    • Shift happens
    • Introducing Zephyr
  • 13:00 Lunck break
  • 14:00 NXP MCX Microcontrollers Overview
  • 15:00 Zephyr on MCX
  • 16:00 Closing


New MCU projects have to keep up with the increased complexity of hardware, software, and protocols. Connecting the system to the Internet introduces another order of magnitude in complexity, as plans for security updates have to be considered from the start.

Mustering these challenges in the confines of a software stack originally written by hardware vendors to get users started becomes almost impossible. A larger developer base can share the maintenance load of the "common infrastructure," freeing developers to concentrate on the features discriminating the products against the competition. The Free and Open-Source approach is a perfect match for this new landscape.

The cross-architecture, vendor-neutral, and permissively licensed Zephyr® OS is introduced to show how it can help development teams concentrate on product features instead of invisible (yet important!) infrastructure.

Please register on the link below. We’re looking forward to welcoming you!


Date and Location:

  • 19. September 2024, 
    EBV Elektronik GmbH
    Im Technologiepark 2-8
    85586 Poing bei München



Register Now

NXP I Zephyr OS on MCUs A Linux for Micros? | EBV Elektronik

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