From UV to NIR Spectroscopy-Integration Made Easy | EBV Elektronik

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From UV to NIR Spectroscopy-Integration Made Easy | EBV Elektronik

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Broadcom: From UV to NIR Spectroscopy – Integration Made Easy

Online, On Demand

Live Presentation Date: February 16, 2022


Broadcom's range of spectrometers are robust, versatile, reliable and suitable for a wide range of applications, whether you are looking for a device for process analytics or a more compact solution for point-of-care detection unit. We will discuss the technical possibilities of our products covering triggering light sources to communicating via numerous electronic interfaces. Learn about the upcoming round Qtube spectrometer designed for fluid measurements in applications like water and wastewater analytics.

The robust process sensor with 35 mm diameter is the perfect choice for reliable inline analytics. The Qtube covers the complete spectral range from 190 - 1000 nm, featuring high resolution and optimized sensitivity especially in the lower UV range. The robust Qneo NIR spectrometer covers a wavelength range of 950 - 1700 nm featuring high optical sensitivity even without cooling. Learn how to integrate this spectrometer, how to trigger light sources and more. Today's information is ideal for engineers looking for cost-effective spectrometers with various electrical interfaces for analytical applications in UV-VIS-NIR areas, starting at 190 nm.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover flexible spectroscopy solutions for various applications
  • Understand the benefits of Broadcom's upcoming Qtube UV spectrometer for inline-analytics
  • Learn how to integrate Broadcom's Qneo NIR spectrometer into your process monitoring equipment



Carina Buechl - Product Manager Spectroscopy, Industrial Fiber Products Division, Broadcom Inc.

Gerhard Sedlmeier - Development Engineer Spectrometers, Industrial Fiber Products Division, Broadcom Inc.


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From UV to NIR Spectroscopy-Integration Made Easy | EBV Elektronik

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