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No Roads Needed

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Outpace the automotive competition

EBV - Xilinx Automotive - eBook Offer Long Copy (LC)

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The automotive industry is a highly competitive space. In the blink of an eye, a great concept can become a faint memory of what could have been — or it can become the next major industry trend. That all depends on your ability to deliver.

In our most recent e-book developed in collaboration with Xilinx, we give you an in-depth look at six of the most prevalent use cases in the engineering of automotive electronic systems — autonomous vision systems, automotive RADAR, sensor aggregation and processing, safety certification, occupant monitoring, and vehicle-to-vehicle and infrastructure communications.

Whether you’re interested in one or all of these areas of automotive development, we explore the challenges engineers face in the creation of these key systems, and identify how Xilinx technologies and ecosystem can help overcome them.

Download our Use Case e-book today and discover where the rubber meets the road!

futuristic car on cover of eBook

EBV Global Xilinx Ebook Form (html)

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