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Vehicle lighting

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The exterior lighting of vehicles has been transformed from conventional lamp technologies to wholesale adoption of solid state emitters. This has brought about major enhancements in terms of light output and operational reliability, alongside lower power consumption. At first, LEDs were employed in the rear lights and indicator lights, but now they are becoming commonplace in the headlights too. In some cases, laser-based front lighting is now seeing design-in activity, mainly for luxury models. This is enabling much longer illumination distances to be covered - from 350m for normal LED headlights to over 500m. 

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As well as the performance, longevity and energy efficiency benefits of solid state lighting, there are functionality benefits too. Matrix lighting has meant that different LED emitters can be turned on and off to shape the light beam. Illumination can be directed to take road bends or inclines into account, resulting in greater driver visibility of what lies ahead. As an extension of this, animated lighting is becoming very appealing. This enables dynamic illumination that will make vehicle models using this technology stand out from the competition. Amination can be applied when the vehicle doors are opened, when the engine is started, or alternatively when the indicators are in operation or the brakes applied. Another differentiator of this kind will be automotive brand logo projection.

Interior lighting is also changing. As with vehicle exteriors, there are definitely opportunities for animation within the cabin, to make things a little more exciting. RGB LEDs permit the ambient light to be altered to suit vehicle occupants’ personal preferences. UV disinfection will be important for shared cars, so that docked smartphones do not result in transmission of pathogens.

EBV has a broad range of products for automotive lighting, not just covering the LEDs, but also the accompanying drivers.

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