Energy Monitoring

Reduce expenditure and protect resources through energy monitoring

Contact the EBV Elektronik IoT Solutions team



Identify ways to maximize efficiency

Energy monitoring provides the foundations for improving efficiency. Using real-time data, energy generators and providers can optimize the way they use resources and distribute energy. Monitor the equipment used in the energy process to improve CapEx and reduce OpEx.

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The benefits of energy monitoring

Connected sensing

Combine the benefits of EBV Elektronik's mobile energy generator and energy monitoring technology to create a unified view of your operations. Extend visibility to include renewable energy sources and energy storage systems.

Real-time insights

Put your data to work using configurable dashboards. Analyze and present operational data in real time to maintain total control.

Predictive operations

Add the latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to predict how your operations will perform and react. The system will learn about your operations and identify anomolies, giving you early warning about possible maintenance requirements.

Improved efficiency

Extend the efficiency of your operations through predictive maintenance, balanced utilization and optimum output. See the results in your bottom line with overall improvements in efficiency.

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