Bringing vital signs monitoring into the wearable domain
Borut Kastelic
December 21, 2022
This article investigates the validity of moving vital signs monitoring out of the clinical environment and making it more reliant on wearable devices.
Greater Efficiency in Healthcare
August 3, 2022
Intelligence is increasingly migrating to the edge: not only can wearables today record vital data, they can also analyse this information instantly. Smart assistants support employees in healthcare in an incredible variety of ways.
The undeniable advantages of SiC technology over Si
Milan Ivkovic
April 23, 2021
Silicon carbide (SiC) technology has reached the tipping point, the state when undeniable advantages push a technology into rapid adoption.
FPGA vs. GPU vs. CPU – hardware options for AI applications
April 7, 2021
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) deliver many advantages to artificial intelligence (AI) applications. How do graphics processing units (GPUs) and traditional central processing units (CPUs) compare?