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STMicroelectronics MEMS sensors
The impact of Qvar technology in sensor technology and its practical applications
By Uros Mali   -   2024年2月5日
This article aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Qvar, outlining its features, potential uses, and its embodiment in the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO, to understand Qvar's capabilities and its applicability in real-world scenarios.
Industrial communication via SPE technology
Industrial communication via SPE technology
By Karl Lehnhoff   -   2023年1月25日
Wholesale adoption of Industry 4.0 is now a major goal for manufacturing sites around the globe, bringing a multitude of different benefits.
Bringing vital signs monitoring into the wearable domain
Bringing vital signs monitoring into the wearable domain
By Borut Kastelic   -   2022年12月21日
This article investigates the validity of moving vital signs monitoring out of the clinical environment and making it more reliant on wearable devices.
ST Analog Building Control
Powering building alarm systems and driving LEDs
By Bernard Vincens   -   2022年10月3日
This article investigates the technical considerations for powering building alarm control systems, sensors, and indicator panels, emphasising power conversion efficiency and achieving a low power consumption profile.
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An introduction to EV charger design: the power stages
Semiconductors are key to efficiency, low cost, small size and ultimately commercial success of electric vehicle DC chargers. In this blog we consider some of the trends, options and their tradeoffs.
ST Analog Building Control
An engineers' guide to watchdog supervisors and wired communication interfaces in building control HMIs
By Bernard Vincens   -   2022年9月14日
This article investigates some of the causes of unpredictable system behaviour and highlights components that can prevent it from happening.
Greater Efficiency in Healthcare
Mehr Effizienz Im Gesundheitswesen
Daher wandert auch hier immer mehr intelligenz in die fläche; wearables können heute vitaldaten nicht nur erfassen, sondern auch analysieren. Intelligente assistenten unterstützen die mitarbeiter an den unterschiedlichsten stationen.
Greater Efficiency in Healthcare
Greater Efficiency in Healthcare
Intelligence is increasingly migrating to the edge: not only can wearables today record vital data, they can also analyse this information instantly. Smart assistants support employees in healthcare in an incredible variety of ways.
Smart cameras and image processing combined
Lernende Roboter Passen Sich An Ihre Aufgaben Und Umgebung An
Zukünftig können die mechanischen helfer ohne programmierung unterschiedliche objekte greifen und sich in komplexen umgebungen unabhängig bewegen.
Smart cameras and image processing combined
How Learning Robots are Adapting to Their Tasks and Environment
While robots required complicated programming by experts in the past, the systems will be able to teach themselves how to carry out their tasks in the future. This will allow robots to adapt autonomously to changing surrounding circumstances
Smart cameras and image processing combined
Von Der Vorausschauenden Wartung Bis Zum Kollaborativen Roboter
Die KI kann zum Wachstumsmotor für die Industrie werden: Alleine in Deutschland könnte bis 2030 das Bruttoinlandsprodukt durch den frühen und konsequenten um bis zu vier Prozent höher liegen als ohne den Einsatz von KI
Smart cameras and image processing combined
From Predictive Maintenance to Collaborative Robots
AI and machine learning are exploiting opportunities in connection with Industry 4.0 in particular because enabling a production operation to organize itself autonomously and respond flexibly takes huge volumes of data.
Smart cameras and image processing combined
Smart Cameras Keep Everything Squarely in Their Sights
Smart cameras can process imagery autonomously before initiating responses of their own accord. In industrial applications, they are used for quality control or to control plants and systems.
ST Analog Motion Control Drive
Investigating the technical considerations for analog components used in motion control drives
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2022年5月19日
This article explores the importance of the motor drive power supply, current sensing of the drive circuits, and using ultrasound for condition-based monitoring.
ST Analog Asset Tracking
Choosing analog sensor and power management parts for factory automation smart sensor nodes
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2022年5月4日
Read about fundamental technical considerations when selecting analog sensor and power management components used for factory automation applications.
ST Analog Asset Tracking
Achieving precision analog to digital conversion in test and measurement applications
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2022年4月8日
Instrumentation systems take the raw sensor data, amplify it, condition the signals to remove unwanted artefacts, and then analog to digital converters process the data ready for digital control systems.
ST Analog Asset Tracking
Analog and power management considerations for low power asset tracker design
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2022年4月8日
Compact, robust, battery-powered wireless asset trackers are regularly attached to shipping containers and pallets to keep customers and suppliers informed of delivery progress.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
The undeniable advantages of SiC technology over Si
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2021年4月23日
Silicon carbide (SiC) technology has reached the tipping point, the state when undeniable advantages push a technology into rapid adoption.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Three design freedoms enabled by SiC technology
By Milan Ivkovic   -   2021年4月23日
Even with the undeniable performance and potential of silicon carbide (SiC) technology, some designers may be hesitant initially to tackle new projects using SiC.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
FPGA vs. GPU vs. CPU – hardware options for AI applications
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) deliver many advantages to artificial intelligence (AI) applications. How do graphics processing units (GPUs) and traditional central processing units (CPUs) compare?
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Top 10 pitfalls in developing machine vision systems with artificial intelligence
Machine vision (MV) and artificial intelligence (AI) provide valuable inspection and analysis capabilities to a wide range of leading-edge applications. As with all advanced technologies, there are pitfalls to avoid.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
IoT Platforms: Build, Buy, or Both?
With the accessibility, affordability and overall democratization of technology, it is tempting today to try and do everything yourself.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Don't reinvent the wheel when it comes to IoT
EBV’s scalable, repeatable vertical SaaS applications are each between 60 and 80% complete, speeding time to market in IoT.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Designing for the IoT as Intelligence Moves to the Edge
The Internet of Everything will be all inclusive, from huge data centers to single-purpose sensors. While individual power requirements vary across the IoT, the need for energy efficiency will be present everywhere.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Building the right security foundation for connected devices
Advances in IoT have led to a boom in connected devices, so security is more important than ever. Discover how to build the right security foundation.
interior of autonomous car
The State of Automotive Only Starts with Autonomous Driving
Learn how the state of automotive spans a variety of applications, from electrication to in-cabin AI.
view from autonomous vehicle as it interprets street signs
Somewhere Between the Flintstones and the Jetsons
Learn more about developing adaptable automotive automation with Xilinx
couple checking smart watches while exercising
Redefining nanopower for the Internet of Things
Internet of Things trends today revolve around shiny objects—whether they be artificial intelligence or blockchain—but what if one of the most revolutionary parts of the IoT is something designers consider every day in devices?
metal nut in venier calipers measuring tool
Is best in class the only consideration for your analog design?
It’s easy to seek out the absolute top of the line when it comes to a design. Whatever the “best” part is, is probably what’s going to be the most compelling for your design, right?
Operating room nurse on health monitor
Designing Reliable Analog Circuits in a Less-Than-Reliable World
Analog touches everything. If not for the multitude of analog and mixed-signal components that vendors have developed in the past decades, the digital “revolution” that has made so many industry sectors leap forward would not be possible.
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