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How to Use the Tool
Enter the manufacturers’ complete part number into the box above and press search.
Compare and select alternative solution from the results.
Purchase prototypes from Farnell or request high volume pricing from Avnet/SB Name.
About Avnet’s Cross Reference Tool
Avnet is advancing the integration of artificial intelligence techniques into our solutions, enhancing efficiencies and delivering value to our customers and suppliers. This cross-reference tool exemplifies our application of AI methodologies. The results you obtain through this tool are derived from the following data sources:
- Supplier-provided cross-references
- Avnet’s technical team expertise
- Avnet’s extensive parametric-level data from a wide array of suppliers
If you need further information or advice, please contact your local Avnet team
Please double check the results match your design requirements, it is your responsibility to decide whether the suggested part specified in the results are applicable for your requirements.