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Secure IoT with EBV Elektronik

Free 1-day technical workshop

Learn how to implement low cost but highly secured IoT connectivity

Choose from on-demand, on site, or on premise

State of the art security needs to be the standard in every IoT application. To support this, EBV Elektronik has worked with key suppliers to develop complete secured IoT solutions.

The solutions comprise hardware, firmware, an evaluation kit, and smart phone application.

EBV’s FAEs are presenting these solutions to customers through free 1-day workshop.

EBV has already presented the workshops to 500+ customers in 30+ locations since January 2023.

This bundle is presented in a 1-day free workshop to EBV’s customers, which has already been held in 30+ locations with 500+ customers since January 2023.

We are currently offering two versions of the secured IoT workshop developed with suppliers.

Workshop option 1:

  • Espressif ESP32-C3 & S3 Wi-Fi/BLE module with a Microchip ATECC608B Secure Element.  
    • The Espressif & Microchip Workshop also includes hands-on training with the open-source embedded graphics library, LVGL.

Workshop option 2:

  • Infineon PSoC 6 as an MCU, AIROC CYW43012 WiFi/BT combo, Xensiv PAS CO2 and DPS310 sensors, OPTIGA Trust M
    • Both workshops include application simulation using data inject provided by Avnet’s IoTConnect


These free 1-day workshops cover securing IoT devices and cloud platforms. Gain insights into implementing state-of-the-art security using optimized hardware and software solutions to deliver the shortest time to market at the lowest cost.

In addition to learning how to implement effective IoT security, participants will also:

  • Learn about the techniques and the lengths hackers are going to compromise your products and your customers’ IoT operations.
  • Better understand why security really matters to your products, your company, and your brand.
  • Hear the latest about the cybersecurity act, and why it makes good business sense to secure your connected devices.
  • Practice creating a secure connections between endpoints and cloud platforms using IoTConnect Avnet’s end-to-end software solution.



Read more about the two workshops available:

  • Espressif ESP32 & Microchip ATECC608B workshop (including a 10 min hands-on video on ATECC608B secure element onboarding process).
  • Infineon based secured IoT workshop


Ready to learn? Here are your options:

  • On-demand:
    • View recorded workshop-presentations on demand on EBV learning hub.
  • On site:  
    • Register for an upcoming workshops in a location near you to learn more in person.
  • On premise:
    • Connect with EBV’s Security Specialist Team and the IoT Team to arrange your own workshop on your own premises.


EBV - LHB - IoT Workshop Video (GBLS)

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Secure IoT with EBV Elektronik

EBV - LHB - IoT Workshop - Related documents (GBLS)

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EBV - LHB - IoT Workshops - Contact Us (GBL)

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Let's talk

Better connected through LinkedIn

Get in touch with our Security specialist team Thibault Richard and Daniel Bartz and our IoT team Uros Mali, Mike Powell and Dieter Gross.

EBV - LHB - IoT Workshops - Microchip Webinar (GBL)

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Hands-on Workshop program

ESP32 + Microchip Secure IoT Workshop

Get details of this free 1-day workshop for secure IoT applications using Espressif ESP32 and Microchip ATECC608B, with Avnet IoTConnect.

EBV - LHB - IoT Workshops - Secured Infineon (GBL)

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Hands-on workshop program

Infineon Secure IoT Workshop

Get the details of this free 1-day workshop for secure IoT applications using Infineon PSoC 6, AIROC CYW43012, Xensiv PAS CO2 and DPS310, OPTIGA Trust M, with Avnet IoTConnect.

EBV - LHB - IoT Workshops - Upcoming workshops (GBL)

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Upcoming workshops

Registration to Upcoming Secured IoT Workshops

Register for one of our upcoming on site workshops taking place near you.

EBV - LHB - IoT Workshops - On-Demand content (GBL)

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Recorded workshop presentations

On-Demand Content

View recorded workshop-presentations on demand on EBV learning hub.