Delivering A Maintenance-Free Feedback Solution With Battery-Less Energy Harvesting Encoder | EBV Elektronik

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Delivering A Maintenance-Free Feedback Solution With Battery-Less Energy Harvesting Encoder | EBV Elektronik

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Broadcom I Delivering a Maintenance-Free Feedback Solution with Battery-less Energy Harvesting Encoder

Online, On Demand

Live Presentation Date: April 25, 2024


Presenting energy harvesting technology and highlighting Broadcom´s AS20-M42M series absolute encoder: Battery-less multi-turn counter integrated to a magnetic single-turn ASIC. The innovative solution is packed into a miniature 20 mm diameter with built-in protocol options: SPI/SSI/BiSS-C/RS485.


A full digital feedback solution using a multi-turn absolute encoder is crucial for ensuring that no position information is lost in the event of a power outage in modern day motion control systems. The legacy battery-backup or gear-based multi-turn solutions either require maintenance or are unable to meet the mounting requirements of space constraint applications.

This webinar will provide attendees with insights into the latest motion feedback encoders with Broadcom's energy harvesting multi-turn (EHMT) counter, based on Wiegand sensing technologies. The focus will be on the miniature 20 mm OD size AS20-M42M series encoders. Continuing on Broadcom's innovative tradition, this high-performance encoder has built-in smart calibration and self-diagnostic features that enable ease of installation into small motors, while ensuring product reliability in the end application. The integrated encoder ASIC combines the powerful magnetic sensing single-turn with the MT counter ASIC. This versatile encoder is available in a variety of industrial standard protocols, e.g. SPI/SSI/BiSS-C/RS485.

Attendees will gain an understanding of the benefits of energy harvesting absolute encoders in terms of increasing angular accuracy, enhanced hysteresis performance, and reducing maintenance costs. The webinar is aimed at engineers, designers, and technical decision makers involved in motion control development seeking to optimize their designs and accelerate adoption of high performance control systems. By attending this webinar, participants will gain a competitive edge in the state-of-the-art miniature feedback solution.

Key takeaways:

  • Discover the benefits of miniature energy harvesting magnetic encoders and learn how to effectively calibrate them for optimal performance.
  • Gain insights into the latest integrated magnetic hall and Wiegand sensing product technologies and trends, and learn how to choose the best products for your specific application needs.
  • Learn how to accelerate your innovation and transform to the digital positional feedback by leveraging the latest encoder product advancements and best practices.


Christian Liebhardt, Technology FAE for Analog & Signal-Chain, EBV Elektronik GmbH / Broadcom

Christian Liebhardt is the Technology Field Application Engineer for Analog and Signal-Chain Products and the Broadcom specialist for Encoders at EBV Elektronik GmbH, located near Munich. Prior to joining the EBV Team two years ago, Liebhardt worked 10 years as a hardware and software engineer at ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH and RAWE Electronic GmbH. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Mannheim, Germany.

Delivering A Maintenance-Free Feedback Solution With Battery-Less Energy Harvesting Encoder | EBV Elektronik

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