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From idea to design and from prototype to production, Avnet supports customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle. A comprehensive portfolio of design and supply chain services makes Avnet the go-to guide for innovators who set the pace for technological change. For nearly a century, Avnet has helped its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology.

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FPGA vs. GPU vs. CPU – hardware options for AI applications
April 7, 2021
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Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) deliver many advantages to artificial intelligence (AI) applications. How do graphics processing units (GPUs) and traditional central processing units (CPUs) compare?
Top 10 pitfalls in developing machine vision systems with artificial intelligence
April 7, 2021
Technical article
Machine vision (MV) and artificial intelligence (AI) provide valuable inspection and analysis capabilities to a wide range of leading-edge applications. As with all advanced technologies, there are pitfalls to avoid.
IoT Platforms: Build, Buy, or Both?
February 9, 2021
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With the accessibility, affordability and overall democratization of technology, it is tempting today to try and do everything yourself.
Don't reinvent the wheel when it comes to IoT
February 9, 2021
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EBV’s scalable, repeatable vertical SaaS applications are each between 60 and 80% complete, speeding time to market in IoT.
Designing for the IoT as Intelligence Moves to the Edge
February 9, 2021
Technical article
The Internet of Everything will be all inclusive, from huge data centers to single-purpose sensors. While individual power requirements vary across the IoT, the need for energy efficiency will be present everywhere.
Building the right security foundation for connected devices
February 9, 2021
Technical article
Advances in IoT have led to a boom in connected devices, so security is more important than ever. Discover how to build the right security foundation.
The State of Automotive Only Starts with Autonomous Driving
March 6, 2020
Technical article
Learn how the state of automotive spans a variety of applications, from electrication to in-cabin AI.
Somewhere Between the Flintstones and the Jetsons
March 6, 2020
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Learn more about developing adaptable automotive automation with Xilinx
Redefining nanopower for the Internet of Things
December 10, 2019
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Internet of Things trends today revolve around shiny objects—whether they be artificial intelligence or blockchain—but what if one of the most revolutionary parts of the IoT is something designers consider every day in devices?
Is best in class the only consideration for your analog design?
December 10, 2019
Technical article
It’s easy to seek out the absolute top of the line when it comes to a design. Whatever the “best” part is, is probably what’s going to be the most compelling for your design, right?
Designing Reliable Analog Circuits in a Less-Than-Reliable World
December 10, 2019
Technical article
Analog touches everything. If not for the multitude of analog and mixed-signal components that vendors have developed in the past decades, the digital “revolution” that has made so many industry sectors leap forward would not be possible.
6 Unique Op Amp Circuits
December 10, 2019
Technical article
Electronics circuits evolved from discrete circuits to highly integrated circuits (IC) on a single chip enabling highly advanced analog and digital systems saving space and cost. An operational amplifier (Op Amp) is one such integrated circuit that has pl...