About Author

Karl Lehnhoff Photo
Karl Lehnhoff - Director Segment Industrial, Scientific & Medical at EBV Elektronik

Karl Lehnhoff joined EBV Elektronik in 2008 as a regional application manager. From 2011 till 2019 he headed the renewable energies segment, today called city and infrastructure, as a director. He has served in his current role since March 2019. Previously he held multiple different roles in R&D, field application engineering and field sales. He has a degree as Dipl.-Ing. (FH) in electronics from University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund.

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Industrial communication via SPE technology
Industrial communication via SPE technology
By Karl Lehnhoff   -   January 25, 2023
Technical article
Wholesale adoption of Industry 4.0 is now a major goal for manufacturing sites around the globe, bringing a multitude of different benefits.