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SiC Solutions for solar energy

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Developments in photovoltaic technology have seen the cost and size of solar cells fall, while efficiency has risen. This puts solar at the forefront of affordable renewable energy. 

Some regions are now legislating the commercial buildings must include some solar energy capture. Initiatives such as this are driving demand for better technology. This is one area where onsemi SiC-based boost and inverter Power Integrated Modules (PIMs) are being used.

Silicon carbide solutions from onsemi are helping to increase the efficiency of critical stages in solar energy. This includes single-phase and three-phase inverters that provide DC/DC and DC/AC conversion.

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SiC Modules

Product Description Buy
NXH40B120MNQ0 Full SiC MOSFET Module, Two Channel Full SiC Boost, 1200 V, 40 mohm SiC MOSFET + 1200 V, 40 A SiC Diode VIEW PART
NXH40B120MNQ1 Full SiC MOSFET Module, Three Channel Full SiC Boost, 1200 V, 40 mohm SiC MOSFET + 1200 V, 40 A SiC Diode VIEW PART
NXH80B120MNQ0 Full SiC MOSFET Module, Two Channel Full SiC Boost, 1200 V, 80 mohm SiC MOSFET + 1200 V, 20 A SiC Diode VIEW PART

Si/SiC Hybrid Modules

Product Description Buy
NXH100B120H3Q0 Power Integrated Module, Dual Boost, 1200 V, 50 A IGBT + 1200 V, 20 A SiC Diode. VIEW PART
NXH200T120H3Q2 Si/SiC Hybrid Module, Split T-Type NPC inverter
NXH200T120H3Q2F2STNG Si/SiC Hybrid Module, Split T-Type NPC inverter
NXH240B120H3Q1 Power Integrated Module (PIM) 3-channel 1200 V IGBT + SiC Boost, 80 A IGBT and 20 A SiC diode
NXH300B100H4Q2F2 Si/SiC Hybrid Modules, 3 Channel flying capacitor Boost 1000 V, 100 A IGBT, 1200 V, 30 A SiC Diode VIEW PART
NXH350N100H4Q2F2P1G SiC Hybrid Module, I-Type NPC 1000 V, 350 A IGBT, 1200 V, 100 A SiC Diode VIEW PART
NXH400N100H4Q2F2 SiC Hybrid Module, I-Type NPC 1000 V, 400 A IGBT, 1200 V, 100 A SiC Diode VIEW PART
NXH450B100H4Q2 Si/SiC Hybrid Modules, 3 Channel Symmetric Boost 1000 V, 150 A IGBT, 1200 V, 30 A SiC Diode VIEW PART

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Tune in for our podcast episode!


Watch our short informational videos to learn more about SiC

Is this the right time to move to SiC?

Why does the world need SiC?

Elite Power Simulator



EBV - onsemi - SiC Overview (GBL)

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EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Interview (GBLS)

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Interview: Jon Harper

Watch our interview with onsemi SME, Jon Harper, while he talks about how SiC can be used, where SiC is best used and what SiC may bring to your application.

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Register to receive a SiC informational tool kit

Fill in one form to access more than twenty SiC design assets. It’s the quickest way to build your SiC knowledge library!

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Webinar (GBL)

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Webinar series

Learn about key challenges, trade-offs and compromises needed in building DC fast charging (DCFC) systems as well as how to design, build and validate DCFC systems using the onsemi EliteSiC 25 kW module-based DCFC system ref design.

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