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SiC solutions for energy storage

EBV - onsemi - SiC Energy Storage Intro (MM)

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Trends such as renewable energy and e-mobility are driving the modernization of the grid. Intermittent demand increases can be met by energy storage systems. These systems store electricity in batteries and are ready to deliver extra power to the grid when it is needed.

Energy storage systems are now a critical part of the energy infrastructure. They can provide active and reactive power on demand. They are built on quality and reliability. Silicon carbide, along with SiC/Si hybrid and IGBT technologies, are enabling higher levels of power conversion efficiency.

As the smart grid emerges, batteries from EVs that have reached the end of their first lives are finding new leases of life in energy storage systems. At every stage, SiC is helping to maximize storage capacity.

EBV - onsemi - SiC Energy Storage Tabs

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SiC Diodes

The portfolio of Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes from onsemi include AEC-Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable options specifically engineered and qualified for automotive and industry applications. Silicon Carbide (SiC) Schottky Diodes use a completely new technology that provides superior switching performance and higher reliability to silicon.



onsemi portfolio of 650 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes

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onsemi portfolio of 1200 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes

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onsemi portfolio of 1700 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes

SiC Mosfets

The portfolio of Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs from onsemi are designed to be fast and rugged. Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs have a 10x higher dielectric breakdown field strength, 2x higher electron saturation velocity, 3x higher energy bad gap, and 3x higher thermal conductivity.



onsemi portfolio of 650 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs

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onsemi portfolio of 900 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs

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onsemi portfolio of 1700 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs

Evaluation/Development kits

SEC-3PH-11-OBC-EVB: Three-phase On Board Charger (OBC) PFC-LLC platform

SECO-GDBB-GEVB: Gate drivers plug-and-play ecosystem



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Tune in for our podcast episode!


Watch our short informational videos to learn more about SiC

Is this the right time to move to SiC?

Why does the world need SiC?

Elite Power Simulator



EBV - onsemi - SiC Overview (GBL)

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EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Interview (GBLS)

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Interview: Jon Harper

Watch our interview with onsemi SME, Jon Harper, while he talks about how SiC can be used, where SiC is best used and what SiC may bring to your application.

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Tool kit (GBL)

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Register to receive a SiC informational tool kit

Fill in one form to access more than twenty SiC design assets. It’s the quickest way to build your SiC knowledge library!

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Webinar (GBL)

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Webinar series

Learn about key challenges, trade-offs and compromises needed in building DC fast charging (DCFC) systems as well as how to design, build and validate DCFC systems using the onsemi EliteSiC 25 kW module-based DCFC system ref design.

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Contact US SiC (GBL)

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