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EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions (Main Title)

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EBV and onsemi provide your direct path to reliable silicon carbide solutions

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New semiconductor technologies are closing the efficiency gap, helping us use electricity in the most effective and efficient way. The semiconductor industry is fundamental to the way we control energy conversion and manage its distribution. Silicon carbide provides greater control over power conversion, covering AC-DC, DC-AC and DC-DC. Thanks to its unique features, silicon carbide (SiC) delivers higher levels of efficiency. 

onsemi has developed its own end-to-end SiC supply chain and total control over the quality and reliability of SiC at every manufacturing stage. This domain expertise is used to create SiC diodes, SiC MOSFETs and SiC modules that can be used in every application where the benefits of SiC technology provide a competitive advantage.

EBV Elektronik and onsemi are committed to helping you find the best solution for your application. Energy Infrastructure combines the three biggest application areas for SiC:

  • Electric vehicles
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy storage

The energy infrastructure is experiencing huge and rapid growth. Demand for energy is only increasing as we move towards the era of full electrification. The focus is on creating an energy infrastructure that generates lower harmful emissions. SiC is one of the key technologies enabling this greener future.

The energy infrastructure will make this transition possible through new ways to control electricity. Connecting energy generation with energy consumption in the most efficient way will be critical. Energy conversion at the point of use will also become more efficient.

EBV Elektronik and onsemi are working together to deliver the SiC solutions needed to realize a greener, cleaner energy infrastructure. 

Learn more about SiC in the energy infrastructure.

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Featured solutions

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EV Charging

Discover SiC solutions to increase efficiency in electric vehicles and the EV charging  infrastructure.
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Energy Storage

Find out more about the SiC solutions available now that are optimized for energy storage applications.
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Solar Energy

Learn how to leverage silicon carbide to make solar energy and other renewable energy systems more efficient.



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EliteSiC resource kit

Register and download it today, free, to start building on your own EliteSiC knowledge library!


EliteSiC is the wide bandgap technology revolutionizing power switching applications. It enables higher switching frequencies with lower switching losses, delivering better efficiency than EliteSiC MOSFETs and IGBTs. As a leading manufacturer, the onsemi portfolio of EliteSiC devices includes diodes, MOSFETs and modules.

As an engineer, you want to understand when EliteSiC could be the right power switching solution for your application. Knowledge is power, and knowledge about power switching technologies is empowering.

EBV Elektronik and onsemi have teamed up to bring you the resources you need to increase your EliteSiC understanding, all in one place. This informational tool kit includes over ten resources, all created for the engineering community. Each resource provides insights into the how and why of EliteSiC.




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Discover the groundbreaking advancements in Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology through our exciting video series. Join our two experts while they explore how onsemi and EBV are driving innovation and sustainability in the industry.

watch videos

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Tune in for our podcast episode!


Watch our short informational videos to learn more about SiC

Is this the right time to move to SiC?

Why does the world need SiC?

Elite Power Simulator


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Related events


EBV - Product Highlights - onsemi Heat Pump (GBL)

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onsemi Heat Pump Solution

Heat pumps provide secure and sustainable heating using low-emissions electricity and are central to the global transition to sustainable heating.

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Simulation tools

Building a complex electronic application and need some insights through system-level simulations?

Check out onsemi simulators:

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Interview (GBLS)

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Interview: Jon Harper

Watch our interview with onsemi SME, Jon Harper, while he talks about how SiC can be used, where SiC is best used and what SiC may bring to your application.

EBV - onsemi - EV Charging (GBL)

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Energy Infrastructure

Leveraging our leading position in MOSFETs, our EliteSiC products portfolio was optimized for the performance requirements of the energy infrastructure.

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Contact US SiC (GBL)

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Contact us

Find the perfect SiC solution for your needs by connecting with an EBV Elektronik expert today!

Fast EV Charging - 25kW SiC Reference Design | EBV Elektronik

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onsemi | Fast EV Charging - 25kW SiC Reference Design

Online, On Demand

Join us and learn how we can help you overcome existing EV Charging design challenges.

EV Charging Tech Days Series - The Power of Three | EBV Elektronik

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EV Charging Tech Days Series - The Power of Three

Online, On Demand

Join us and learn how we can help you overcome existing EV Charging design challenges.

EBV - onsemi - SiC Solutions - Webinar (GBL)

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Webinar series

Learn about key challenges, trade-offs and compromises needed in building DC fast charging (DCFC) systems as well as how to design, build and validate DCFC systems using the onsemi EliteSiC 25 kW module-based DCFC system ref design.

Elite Power Simulator And The Self-Service PLECS Model Generator | EBV Elektronik

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onsemi I Elite Power Simulator and the Self-Service PLECS Model Generator

Online, On Demand

In this webinar you will learn about onsemi’s new tool that provides an accurate representation of how circuits will work using the onsemi EliteSiC family of products, including manufacturing corner cases of the EliteSiC technology.